Blind Guardian is a German metal band formed in the mid-1980s in Krefeld , West Germany . [ 1 ] They are often credited as one of the seminal and most influential bands in the power metal and speed metal subgenres. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Blind Guardian is a part of the German heavy metal scene that emerged in the mid-1980s. Blind Guardian adalah Jerman band metal dibentuk pada pertengahan 1980-an di Krefeld , Jerman Barat . [1] Mereka sering dikreditkan sebagai salah satu band paling berpengaruh dan mani di power metal dan speed metal subgenre. [2] [3] Blind Guardian merupakan bagian dari adegan logam berat Jerman yang muncul pada pertengahan 1980-an.
The band's lyrics, written by vocalist Hansi Kürsch , are inspired by the fiction of fantasy authors such as JRR Tolkien , and Michael Moorcock , as well as traditional legends and epics . [ 4 ] Over the years, a running theme has developed associating the band members with travelling bards . band lyrics, ditulis oleh vokalis Hansi Kürsch , terinspirasi oleh fiksi penulis fantasi seperti JRR Tolkien , dan Michael Moorcock , serta tradisional legenda dan epik . [4] Selama bertahun-tahun, tema berjalan telah mengembangkan berasosiasi band anggota dengan perjalanan bards .
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[ edit ] Biography [ sunting ] Biografi
Blind Guardian formed in 1984 in Krefeld , Germany , by Hansi Kürsch (vocals, bass) and Andre Olbrich (guitar) under the name Lucifer's Heritage. Blind Guardian terbentuk pada tahun 1984 di Krefeld , Jerman , oleh Hansi Kürsch (vokal, bass) dan Andre Olbrich (gitar) dengan nama Lucifer's Heritage. The band first released two demos in 1985 and 1986, despite undergoing chaotic lineup changes: Markus Dörk (guitar) and Thomen Stauch (drums) were replaced by Christof Theißen and Hans-Peter Frey, respectively. Band ini pertama merilis dua demo pada tahun 1985 dan 1986, meskipun mengalami perubahan lineup kacau: Markus Dork (gitar) dan Thomen Stauch (drum) digantikan oleh Christof Theissen dan Hans-Peter Frey, masing-masing. Finally, in 1987, Marcus Siepen joined and Thomen came back to form the lineup which would stay consistent for the next 18 years. Akhirnya, pada tahun 1987, Marcus Siepen bergabung dan Thomen kembali untuk membentuk lineup yang akan tetap konsisten selama 18 tahun ke depan.After Lucifer's Heritage signed a contract with No Remorse Records , the band changed their name to Blind Guardian to avoid any speculations about Satanism (in a bio it was stated that they also wanted to distance themselves from the black metal movement, as their demos were placed in with black metal albums at local record shops). Setelah Lucifer's Heritage menandatangani kontrak dengan No Records Penyesalan , band ini berganti nama menjadi Blind Guardian untuk menghindari spekulasi tentang Satanisme (di bio itu menyatakan bahwa mereka juga ingin menjauhkan diri dari black metal gerakan, karena demo mereka ditempatkan dengan album black metal di toko musik lokal). They released their debut album Battalions of Fear in 1988, which was essentially a speed metal album heavily influenced by Helloween . [ 5 ] These two German bands had close ties, and Helloween founder Kai Hansen made a guest appearance on Blind Guardian's second LP, Follow the Blind (1989), where the band revealed some thrash metal influence. [ 6 ] [ 7 ] Their third LP, Tales from the Twilight World (1990), had a much more melodic and "epic" feeling, with usage of choir and classical music influence. Mereka merilis debut album Batalyon dari Fear pada tahun 1988, yang sebenarnya merupakan speed metal album sangat dipengaruhi oleh Helloween . [5] Kedua band Jerman memiliki hubungan erat, dan Helloween pendiri Kai Hansen membuat penampilan tamu di Blind Guardian LP kedua, Ikuti Blind (1989), di mana band ini mengungkapkan beberapa thrash metal pengaruh. [6] [7] mereka LP ketiga, Tales dari World Twilight (1990), memiliki dan "epik" jauh lebih melodis perasaan, dengan penggunaan paduan suara dan musik klasik pengaruh.
Blind Guardian signed with Virgin Records in 1991, and released their fourth studio album Somewhere Far Beyond in 1992 and the live album Tokyo Tales in 1993. Flemming Rasmussen , former Metallica producer, began working with the band in 1994, producing their fifth studio album Imaginations from the Other Side , released in 1995, and The Forgotten Tales , an album that contained half covers and half original work, released in 1996. Blind Guardian menandatangani kontrak dengan Virgin Records pada tahun 1991, dan merilis album studio keempat Somewhere Far Beyond pada tahun 1992 dan album live Tales Tokyo pada tahun 1993. Flemming Rasmussen , mantan Metallica produser, mulai bekerja dengan band pada tahun 1994, memproduksi album studio kelima imajinasi dari Sisi Lain , dirilis pada tahun 1995, dan The Forgotten Tales , sebuah album yang berisi setengah dan setengah meliputi karya asli, dirilis pada tahun 1996.
In 1998, Blind Guardian released their epic album Nightfall in Middle-Earth . Pada tahun 1998, Blind Guardian merilis album epik Nightfall di Middle-Earth . "Complete with anthemic choruses, spoken word story lines, and plenty of bombastic power metal punctuating every dramatic turn", says Allmusic's Vincent Jeffries, "Nightfall in Middle-Earth is perhaps Blind Guardian's most triumphant". [ 8 ] A concept album based on JRR Tolkien 's The Silmarillion , [ 4 ] Blind Guardian's music demonstrated some folk rock influence, but also featured heavy use of Queen -style layered backing vocals . "Lengkap dengan chorus anthemic, cerita kata garis diucapkan, dan banyak power metal bombastis penekanan setiap giliran dramatis", kata Allmusic's Vincent Jeffries, "di Middle-Earth Nightfall mungkin Guardian paling kemenangan Blind". [8] Sebuah album konsep berdasarkan JRR Tolkien 's The Silmarillion , [4] musik Blind Guardian menunjukkan beberapa folk rock pengaruh, tetapi juga menampilkan penggunaan berat Ratu -gaya berlapis backing vokal . Since Nightfall , bass guitar has been played by sessional member Oliver Holzwarth , and Hansi has been able to devote all his attention to singing. Nightfall was also the last Blind Guardian album produced by Rasmussen. Sejak Nightfall, gitar bass telah dimainkan oleh anggota sesi Oliver Holzwarth , dan Hansi telah mampu mencurahkan seluruh perhatiannya untuk menyanyi itu. Nightfall juga Blind Guardian album terakhir diproduksi oleh Rasmussen.
A Night at the Opera , named after the Queen album , was released four years later. A Night at the Opera , nama album Queen , dirilis empat tahun kemudian. On this album, the band's sound lacked almost all influence of their original speed metal. Di album ini, suara band tidak memiliki hampir semua pengaruh dari logam kecepatan asli mereka. Power and progressive metal abound, with over the top orchestral backing and a consistent vocal and guitar layering throughout. [ 9 ] Though not a true concept album, many of the lyrics dealt with the common themes of religion and relations between human and divine powers. Power dan progressive metal abound, dengan lebih dari dukungan orkestra atas dan vokal yang konsisten dan gitar layering seluruh. [9] Meskipun bukan album konsep yang benar, banyak dari lirik ditangani dengan tema umum agama dan hubungan antara kekuatan manusia dan ilahi. It was followed by a live album in 2003 and a DVD , Imaginations Through the Looking Glass , in 2004, which was the last recorded Blind Guardian material to feature Thomen Stauch on drums. Hal ini diikuti oleh album live pada tahun 2003 dan sebuah DVD , imajinasi Through the Looking Glass , pada tahun 2004, yang mencatat terakhir Blind Guardian bahan untuk fitur Thomen Stauch pada drum. He left the band due to musical differences and was replaced by Frederik Ehmke. Dia meninggalkan band karena perbedaan musik dan digantikan oleh Frederik Ehmke. The first album with Ehmke was A Twist in the Myth , which came out in 2006. Album pertama dengan Ehmke adalah A Twist di Mitos , yang keluar pada tahun 2006.
Blind Guardian recently participated in the soundtrack for the In the Name of the King: a Dungeon Siege Tale fantasy movie ( Uwe Boll ), which came out in 2008. [ 10 ] The band also recorded a theme song for Sacred 2 Fallen Angel RPG video game , the prequel to Sacred . [ 11 ] Blind Guardian baru-baru ini berpartisipasi dalam soundtrack untuk Dalam Nama Raja: sebuah Dungeon Siege Tale fantasi film ( Uwe Boll , yang keluar pada tahun 2008.) [10] Band ini juga merekam lagu tema untuk Fallen Angel Sacred 2 RPG video permainan , yang prequel Suci . [11]
A Voice in the Dark was the next single from Blind Guardian that was released 25 June 2010. A Voice in the Dark adalah single berikutnya dari Blind Guardian yang dirilis 25 Juni 2010. On July 30, 2010 the album followed, called At the Edge of Time . Pada 30 Juli 2010 album diikuti, yang disebut Pada Edge of Time . The band started "The Sacred Worlds and Songs Divine Tour 2010", the European dates will have the opening acts Enforcer and Steelwing . Band ini memulai "The Worlds Suci dan Lagu-lagu Ilahi Tour 2010", tanggal Eropa akan membuka tindakan Enforcer dan Steelwing . The 22 October in Gothenburg , Sweden only Steelwing was the opening act. 22 Oktober di Gothenburg , Swedia hanya Steelwing adalah pembuka. The US dates will have Holy Grail and Seven Kingdoms and later they were announced that they would play at Wacken Open Air in 2011. Tanggal AS akan memiliki Holy Grail dan Tujuh Kerajaan dan kemudian mereka mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan bermain di Wacken Open Air pada tahun 2011.
[ edit ] Musical style [ sunting ] Musik gaya
Blind Guardian's first two albums, Battalions of Fear and Follow the Blind , were more in the style of speed metal than their following works. Blind Guardian pertama dua album, Batalyon dari Ketakutan dan Ikuti Blind , lebih dalam gaya speed metal dari karya-karya berikut mereka. Beginning with their third album Tales from the Twilight World , Blind Guardian gradually began to write more complicated compositions focusing less on speed. Dimulai dengan ketiga album Tales dari World Twilight , Blind Guardian secara bertahap mulai menulis komposisi lebih rumit kurang fokus pada kecepatan. As of their sixth album, Nightfall in Middle Earth , Hansi stopped playing bass to focus on singing. Pada album keenam mereka, Nightfall di Middle Earth , Hansi berhenti bermain bass untuk fokus pada menyanyi. At this point the band began to incorporate large amounts of orchestral arrangements, and utilized the technique of overdubbing , heavily influenced by the English rock band Queen . [ 12 ] Pada titik ini band mulai memasukkan sejumlah besar orkestra pengaturan, dan memanfaatkan teknik overdubbing , banyak dipengaruhi oleh band rock Inggris Queen . [12]
Blind Guardian's music features the staccato guitars and double bass drumming characteristic of power metal, as well as the use of overdubs and numerous backing vocals to create a dense sound. Musik Blind Guardian fitur staccato gitar dan double bass drum karakteristik power metal, serta penggunaan overdub dan backing vokal banyak untuk membuat suara padat. This technique, especially notable in the guitar and vocal tracks, creates the impression of a vast army of musicians playing in unison and singing in harmony. Teknik ini, terutama penting di trek gitar dan vokal, menciptakan kesan sebuah pasukan besar musisi bermain di serempak dan bernyanyi dalam harmoni. This proved significant on all albums after the first two but most particularly on A Night at the Opera . Hal ini terbukti signifikan pada semua album setelah dua pertama, tetapi yang paling terutama pada A Night at the Opera .
Another definitive feature of Blind Guardian music is frequent use of folk tunes and instruments, especially in power ballads such as "Lord of the Rings", "The Bard's Song", "A Past and Future Secret", "Skalds and Shadows" and "Curse My Name", among others. Fitur lain yang pasti musik Guardian Blind adalah sering menggunakan lagu-lagu rakyat dan instrumen, khususnya dalam balada listrik seperti "Lord of the Rings", "Bard's Song", "A lalu dan Masa Depan Secret", "Skalds dan Shadows" dan " Kutukan Nama "saya, antara lain.
[ edit ] Side projects [ sunting ] Proyek Side
Along with Jon Schaffer , the leader and founder of Iced Earth , Kürsch is a member of Demons & Wizards , where he is the lead singer. Seiring dengan Jon Schaffer , pemimpin dan pendiri Es Bumi , Kürsch adalah anggota Demons & Wizards , di mana ia adalah penyanyi utama.Blind Guardian have been working on and off for eight years on an orchestral project writing music about The Lord of the Rings (negotiations failed to be included on the famous The Lord of the Rings film trilogy as the soundtrack, because the band wanted to concentrate on their next album). Blind Guardian telah bekerja dan off untuk delapan tahun pada sebuah proyek orkestra menulis musik tentang The Lord of the Rings (negosiasi gagal untuk dimasukkan pada terkenal Lord of the Rings trilogi film sebagai soundtrack, karena band ini ingin berkonsentrasi pada mereka berikutnya album). Although it will not be a power metal album, it will be published under the name of Blind Guardian because it matches the theme of the band's lyrics, according to Hansi. [ 13 ] Meskipun tidak akan menjadi album power metal, maka akan diterbitkan di bawah nama Blind Guardian karena sesuai dengan tema lirik band, menurut Hansi. [13]
[ edit ] Line-up [ sunting ] Line-up
[ edit ] Current members [ sunting ] Anggota Sekarang
- Hansi Kürsch – Lead vocals (1984–present), Bass guitar (1984–1996) Hansi Kürsch - Lead vocals (1984-sekarang), Bass gitar (1984-1996)
- André Olbrich – Lead guitar (1984–present) André Olbrich - gitar Lead (1984-sekarang)
- Marcus Siepen – Rhythm guitar (1987–present) Marcus Siepen - Rhythm gitar (1987-sekarang)
- Frederik Ehmke – Drums , Percussion , Flute and Bagpipes (2005–present) Frederik Ehmke - Drum , Perkusi , Suling dan bagpipe (2005-sekarang)
- Oliver Holzwarth – Bass guitar (Sessional Member) (1997–) Oliver Holzwarth - Bass guitar (Sesi Anggota) (1997 -)
- Michael Schüren – keyboards , Grand piano (Sessional Member) (1997–) Michael Schüren - keyboard , Grand piano (Sesi Anggota) (1997 -)
- Pat Bender – Keyboards , Sound effects (Sessional Member) (2002–) Pat Bender - Keyboard , efek suara (Sesi Anggota) (2002 -)
- Thomas Hackmann – Backing vocals (1990–) Thomas Hackmann - Backing vokal (1990 -)
- Olaf Senkbeil - Backing vocals (1998–) Olaf Senkbeil - Backing vokal (1998 -)
[ edit ] Former members [ sunting ] Mantan anggota
- Thomas "Thomen" Stauch – Drums (1984–1985, 1987–2005) Thomas "Thomen" Stauch - Drums (1984-1985, 1987-2005)
- Mathias Wiesner – keyboards , effects (studio) (1989–2002)deligibi Mathias Wiesner - keyboard , efek (studio) (1989-2002) deligibi
- Markus Dörk – Guitars (Lucifer's Heritage) (1984–1985) Markus dork - Guitars ('s Heritage Lucifer) (1984-1985)
- Christof Theißen – Rhythm guitar (Lucifer's Heritage) (1986) Christof Theissen - Rhythm gitar (Lucifer's Heritage) (1986)
- Hans-Peter Frey – Drums (Lucifer's Heritage) (1986) Hans-Peter Frey - Drums ('s Heritage Lucifer) (1986)
[ edit ] Guest musicians [ sunting ] musisi Tamu
- Dirim Ceseroglu - solo violin (Wheel of Time) (2010) Dirim Ceseroglu - biola solo (Wheel of Time) (2010)
- Rolf Köhler – backing vocals, lead vocals (1990–2007—his death) Rolf Köhler - backing vocals, vocals (1990-2007-kematiannya)
- Martin G. Meyer – Keyboards (2006–2008) Martin G. Meyer - Keyboard (2006-2008)
- Alex Holzwarth – drums (live) (2002–2003) Alex Holzwarth - drum (live) (2002-2003)
- Billy King – backing vocals (1992–2002) Billy King - backing vocals (1992-2002)
- Boris Schmidt, Sascha Pierro – Keyboards and sound effects (2002) Boris Schmidt, Sascha Pierro - Keyboard dan efek suara (2002)
- Max Zelzner – flute & alto-flute (1998) Max Zelzner - flute & alto-seruling (1998)
- Norman Eshley, Douglas Fielding – narration (1998) Norman Eshley, Douglas Fielding - narasi (1998)
- Piet Sielck – guitar , backing vocals, effects (1990–1996) Piet Sielck - gitar , backing vokal, efek (1990-1996)
- Kalle Trapp – backing vocals, lead vocals, lead guitar (1990–1996) Kalle Trapp - backing vokal, vokal, lead guitar (1990-1996)
- Otto Sidenius – organ (1996) Otto Sidenius - organ (1996)
- Stefan Will – piano (1992–1996) Stefan Will - piano (1992-1996)
- Jacob Moth – acoustic guitar on (1996) Yakub Ngengat - gitar akustik di (1996)
- Ronnie Atkins, Aman Malek – backing vocals (1996) Ronnie Atkins, Aman Malek - backing vocals (1996)
- Kai Hansen – lead vocals, guitar solos , backing vocals (1989–1992) Kai Hansen - vokal, solo gitar , backing vokal (1989-1992)
- Peter Rübsam – Scottish and Irish bagpipes (1992) Peter Rübsam - bagpipe Skotlandia dan Irlandia (1992)
- Niko Trznadl – bass (live) (1988) Niko Trznadl - bass (live) (1988)
- Thomas Kelleners – vocals (Lucifer's Heritage) (1984) Thomas Kelleners - vokal (Lucifer's Heritage) (1984)
[ edit ] Discography [ sunting ] Diskografi
Main article: Blind Guardian discography Artikel utama: Blind Guardian Diskografi
- Battalions of Fear (1988) Batalyon Fear (1988)
- Follow the Blind (1989) Ikuti Blind (1989)
- Tales from the Twilight World (1990) Kisah dari World Twilight (1990)
- Somewhere Far Beyond (1992) Somewhere Far Beyond (1992)
- Imaginations from the Other Side (1995) Imajinasi dari Sisi Lain (1995)
- Nightfall in Middle-Earth (1998) Tengah malam tiba-Bumi (1998)
- A Night at the Opera (2002) A Night at the Opera (2002)
- A Twist in the Myth (2006) A Twist dalam Mitos (2006)
- At the Edge of Time (2010) Pada Edge of Time (2010)
[ edit ] References [ sunting ] Referensi
- ^ Blind Guardian. "Band: How it started..." . ^ Blind Guardian. "Band: Cara mulai ..." . Archived from the original on June 30, 2007 . . Diarsipkan dari aslinya pada tanggal 30 Juni 2007. . Retrieved 2007-07-15 . Diperoleh 2007/07/15.
- ^ No Life Till Metal ^ No Life Till Logam
- ^ Rock Hard Magazine ^ Hard Rock Majalah
- ^ a b Bradford Lee Eden. ^ a b Bradford Eden Lee. Middle-earth Minstrel: Essays on Music in Tolkien. Dunia Tengah Minstrel: Essays on Musik di Tolkien. McFarland, 2010. ISBN 0786448148 , 9780786448142. McFarland, 2010. ISBN 0786448148 , 9780786448142. 215 pages 215 halaman
- ^ "Battalions of Fear Review" . . ^ "Batalyon dari Ketakutan Review" . = . Retrieved 2008-02-17 . Diperoleh 2008/02/17.
- ^ ^
- ^ "Follow the Blind Review" . . ^ "Ikuti Review Blind" . . Retrieved 2008-02-17 . Diperoleh 2008/02/17.
- ^ "Nightfall in Middle-Earth Review" . . ^ "Nightfall di Middle-Earth Review" . . Retrieved 2008-02-17 . Diperoleh 2008/02/17.
- ^ "A Night at the Opera Review" . . ^ "A Night di Review Opera" . . Retrieved 2008-02-17 . Diperoleh 2008/02/17.
- ^ Various Artists – In the Name of the King. ^ Various Artists - Dalam Nama Raja. Soundtrack review Soundtrack tinjauan
- ^ Hansi's letter to "the Following" fan site ^ Hansi's surat kepada "Setelah" situs penggemar
- ^ ( [ dead link ] ) Queen influence . ^ ([ dead link ]) Ratu pengaruh . Blind Guardian official site . Blind Guardian situs resmi.
- ^ "A New Twist in the Blind Guardian Legacy" by Kenneth Morton ^ "A Twist Baru di Legacy Blind Guardian" oleh Kenneth Morton
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