Iron Maiden Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden was first formed in 1976 by bassist Steve Harris, who would soon join up with rhythm guitarist Tony Parsons, drummer Doug Sampson, and vocalist Paul Di'Anno. Iron Maiden pertama kali dibentuk pada tahun 1976 oleh pemain bas Steve Harris, yang akan segera bergabung dengan irama gitaris Tony Parsons, drummer Doug Sampson, dan vokalis Paul Di'Anno. Before finally obtaining a record deal, the group played in local areas throughout the '70s, receiving a fair amount of London airplay. Sebelum akhirnya mendapatkan kontrak rekaman, kelompok bermain di wilayah lokal di seluruh 70-an, menerima jumlah yang wajar diputar London. Parsons replaced Dennis Stratton, and the band made its record debut in 1980 with the self-titled Iron Maiden album. Parsons diganti Dennis Stratton, dan band ini membuat debut rekaman pada tahun 1980 dengan album self-titled Maiden Besi. Although the release was recorded in a hurry, it was nonetheless a hit in the UK due to the single "Running Free." Meskipun rilis dicatat terburu-buru, itu tetap menjadi hit di Inggris karena single "Free Running." Iron Maiden's 1981 follow-up, Killers, displayed a harder approach to their music than before, and also saw the replacement of Stratton with Adrian Smith. Iron Maiden's 1981 tindak lanjut, Killers, ditampilkan pendekatan sulit untuk musik mereka dari sebelumnya, dan juga melihat penggantian Stratton dengan Adrian Smith. Due to his uncontrollable alcohol addiction, Di'Anno was forced to part company with the group and would soon be replaced with vocalist Bruce Dickinson in 1982 for the band's groundbreaking Number of the Beast. Karena kecanduan alkohol yang tidak terkendali itu, Di'Anno terpaksa berpisah dengan grup dan akan segera diganti dengan vokalis Bruce Dickinson pada tahun 1982 untuk Nomor band inovatif Binatang itu. This album, boasting such songs as the title track and "Hallowed Be Thy Name," would come to be known as one of the greatest rock recordings of all time. Album ini, membual lagu seperti judul lagu dan "Hallowed Be Thy Name," akan datang dikenal sebagai salah satu rekaman rock terbesar sepanjang masa. Since the unexpected worldwide success of Beast made Iron Maiden international rock superstars, they changed very little of their style for their next album, Piece of Mind. Sejak sukses di seluruh dunia tak terduga Binatang dibuat Iron Maiden superstar rock internasional, mereka berubah sangat sedikit gaya mereka untuk album berikutnya, Piece of Mind. They undertook two major tours before recording 1983's Powerslave, which would go on to be another cult hit. Mereka melakukan dua wisata utama sebelum merekam 1983's Powerslave, yang akan pergi untuk menjadi kultus hit lain. The product of Powerslave's 11-month tour was 1985's Live After Death, a double live album the featured all of their biggest hit singles. Produk wisata Powerslave's 11-bulan adalah tahun 1985 Live Setelah Kematian, sebuah album live dua kali lipat menampilkan semua hit single terbesar mereka.
By the release of Live After Death, Iron Maiden had already established themselves as a powerful and unique metal band. Dengan rilis Live After Death, Iron Maiden telah didirikan diri sebagai band metal yang kuat dan unik. Their long-awaited 1986 supplement album, Somewhere in Time, showed a bit of departure from their past releases, showcasing the use of synthesizer guitars and songs more relevant to the same themes. lama ditunggu-tunggu mereka 1986 suplemen album, Somewhere in Time, menunjukkan sedikit keberangkatan dari rilis masa lalu mereka, menampilkan penggunaan synthesizer gitar dan lagu yang lebih relevan dengan tema yang sama. 1988's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, a concept album like its predecessor, featured the singles "The Evil That Men Do" and "The Clairvoyant," and soon became Iron Maiden's most critically acclaimed album since Number of the Beast. 1988's Ketujuh Anak seorang Putra Ketujuh, sebuah album konsep seperti pendahulunya, menampilkan single "The Evil Itu Pria" dan "peramal itu," dan segera menjadi album Iron Maiden yang paling kritis yang diakui sejak Jumlah Beast. After another exhausting tour, Smith departed and the band took a one-year hiatus. Setelah wisata lain melelahkan, Smith berangkat dan band mengambil kekosongan satu tahun. With new guitarist Janick Gers, they resurfaced with No Prayer For the Dying in 1990, a record that returned to the classic sound the group used when recording their earlier releases. Dengan gitaris baru Janick Gers, mereka muncul kembali dengan No Doa Untuk Mati pada tahun 1990, sebuah rekor yang kembali ke suara klasik kelompok digunakan saat merekam rilis sebelumnya mereka. One of the album's singles, "Bring Your the Slaughter," was granted the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Song of the Year, but it nonetheless gave the band their first number one UK hit. Salah satu single album, "Bring Your Putri ... ke Slaughter," telah diberikan Golden Raspberry Award untuk Song Terburuk of the Year, tetapi tetap memberikan band pertama mereka nomor satu Inggris hit. By the time the group finished their 1991 tour, Dickinson expressed desire to leave and work to promote another band he had founded, the Skunkworks. Pada saat kelompok selesai 1991 tur mereka, Dickinson menyatakan keinginan untuk meninggalkan dan bekerja untuk mempromosikan band lain ia telah didirikan, Skunkworks. Fear of the Dark, the band's last album with Dickinson, debuted at number one on the UK charts and became one of their biggest selling albums to date. Takut the Dark, album terakhir band ini dengan Dickinson, debut di nomor satu di tangga lagu Inggris dan menjadi salah satu album terbesar mereka menjual sampai saat ini. After their supporting tour, two live albums were released in 1993: A Real Live One, which contained live versions of their newer hit singles, and A Real Dead One, which featured the more "classic" Maiden songs live. Setelah tur pendukungnya, dua album live yang dirilis pada tahun 1993: A Real Live One, yang berisi versi live dari single baru mereka memukul, dan A Dead Real One, yang menampilkan lebih "klasik" Gadis lagu hidup. Dickinson's replacement, Blaze Bayley, marked his debut in 1995 with The X Factor. pengganti Dickinson, Blaze Bayley, yang ditandai debutnya pada tahun 1995 dengan The X Factor. While the record failed to chart as well as some of its predecessors, it was still a minor success in England. Walaupun catatan gagal grafik serta beberapa dari pendahulunya, masih sukses kecil di Inggris. Iron Maiden marked the end of 1996 with Best of the Beast, a double compilation album. Iron Maiden menandai akhir tahun 1996 dengan Best of the Beast, sebuah album kompilasi ganda. In 1998, little interest in the Virtual XI album prompted Bayley's termination; Dickinson and Smith returned to the band for a tour in 1999, and a new album, Brave New World, emerged the following year. Pada tahun 1998, bunga kecil di album XI Virtual diminta terminasi Bayley's; Dickinson dan Smith kembali ke band untuk tur tahun 1999, dan sebuah album baru, Brave New World, muncul pada tahun berikutnya.
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