Born: 1983 Lahir: 1983
After he left Metallica in 1983, guitarist/vocalist Dave Mustaine formed the thrash metal quartet Megadeth. Setelah ia meninggalkan Metallica pada tahun 1983, gitaris / vokalis Dave Mustaine membentuk Megadeth kuartet thrash metal. Though Megadeth followed the basic blueprint of Metallica's relentless attack, Mustaine's group distinguished themselves from his earlier band by lessening the progressive rock influences, adding an emphasis on instrumental skills, speeding the tempo up slightly, and making the instrumental attack harsher. Meskipun Megadeth mengikuti cetak biru dasar serangan tanpa henti Metallica, kelompok Mustaine's membedakan diri dari band sebelumnya dengan mengurangi pengaruh progressive rock, menambahkan penekanan pada keterampilan instrumental, mempercepat tempo naik sedikit, dan membuat serangan instrumental keras. By streamlining the classic thrash metal approach and making the music more threatening, as well as making the lyrics more nihilistic, Megadeth became one of the leading bands of the genre during the mid-'80s and late '80s. Dengan perampingan pendekatan klasik thrash metal dan membuat musik yang lebih mengancam, serta membuat lirik yang lebih nihilistik, Megadeth menjadi salah satu band terkemuka dari genre selama pertengahan '80-an dan '80-an. Each album they released went at least gold, and they continually sold out arenas across America, in addition to developing a strong following overseas. Setiap album mereka merilis pergi di emas paling tidak, dan mereka terus terjual arena di seluruh Amerika, selain mengembangkan berikut yang kuat di luar negeri. By the early '90s, they had toned their music down slightly, yet that simply increased their following; all of their proper '90s albums debuted in the Top Ten. Pada awal 90-an, mereka harus melunakkan musik mereka turun sedikit, namun yang hanya meningkat setelah mereka, semua yang benar 90 album debutnya di Top Ten.
Throughout Megadeth's many lineup changes, the two core members were bassist Dave Ellefson and guitarist/vocalist Dave Mustaine (born September 13, 1961), who was the band's official leader. Sepanjang banyak perubahan Megadeth's lineup, dua anggota inti adalah bassis Dave Ellefson dan gitaris / vokalis Dave Mustaine (lahir September 13, 1961), yang adalah pemimpin resmi band. Mustaine grew up in the suburbs of Southern California, where he was raised by his mother in a broken home; frequently, his mother left him to be raised by aunts and uncles, who never encouraged his musical inclinations and often belittled him for his fondness for heavy metal. Mustaine tumbuh di pinggiran kota California Selatan, di mana ia dibesarkan oleh ibunya di rumah rusak, sering, ibunya meninggalkan dia untuk dibesarkan oleh bibi dan paman, yang tidak pernah mendorong kecenderungan musik dan sering diremehkan dia untuk kesukaannya pada berat logam. In 1981, he formed Metallica with James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich. Pada tahun 1981, ia membentuk Metallica dengan James Hetfield dan Lars Ulrich. Mustaine spent two years with Metallica, developing a strong cult following in California's underground metal scene, before he was kicked out of the group in 1983, allegedly over his substance abuse. Mustaine menghabiskan dua tahun dengan Metallica, mengembangkan sebuah kultus yang kuat berikut di scene underground metal di California, sebelum ia ditendang keluar dari grup pada tahun 1983, diduga lebih dari penyalahgunaan zat-Nya. Immediately following his firing, he formed Megadeth with Ellefson, Slayer guitarist Kerry King, and drummer Lee Rauch. Segera setelah menembak, ia membentuk Megadeth dengan Ellefson, gitaris Slayer Kerry King, dan drummer Lee Rauch. This lineup was extremely short-lived, and Mustaine and Ellefson soon recruited guitarist Chris Poland and drummer Gar Samuelson. lineup ini sangat singkat, dan Mustaine dan Ellefson segera merekrut gitaris Chris Poland dan drummer Gar Samuelson.
For the next few years, Megadeth toured and gained a following, signing with the independent label Combat in late 1984. Untuk beberapa tahun ke depan, Megadeth tur dan memperoleh setelah, penandatanganan dengan Combat label independen pada akhir 1984. The following year, the group released their debut, Killing Is My Business...And Business Is Good!, which received strong reviews, not only in metal-oriented publications, but also in mainstream music magazines. Tahun berikutnya, kelompok ini merilis debut mereka, Killing Is My Business ... Dan Bisnis Is Good, yang menerima review yang kuat, tidak hanya dalam publikasi berorientasi logam, tapi juga di majalah musik mainstream!. The album sold very well for an independent release, which attracted the attention of major record labels. Album ini terjual sangat baik untuk rilis independen, yang menarik perhatian label rekaman besar. By the end of the year, the group had signed with Capitol. Pada akhir tahun, kelompok telah menandatangani kontrak dengan Capitol. Megadeth's first major-label album, Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?, was released in the fall of 1986. pertama Megadeth's besar-label album, Peace Sells ... Tapi Siapa Membeli, dirilis pada musim gugur tahun 1986?. Like its predecessor, Peace Sells was greeted by strong reviews and sales; it eventually went platinum. Seperti pendahulunya, Peace Sells disambut oleh tinjauan yang kuat dan penjualan, tetapi akhirnya pergi platinum.
Although the band's fortunes were on the upswing, Mustaine was beginning to sink deeper into drug abuse, specifically heroin. Meskipun nasib band berada di kenaikan itu, Mustaine mulai tenggelam lebih dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba, khususnya heroin. Soon, his addictions began to affect his work. Segera, kecanduannya mulai mempengaruhi pekerjaannya. Many stories concerning his erratic behavior were circulating within the metal community, and they seemed to be proven correct when he fired both Poland and Samuelson before the recording of the band's third album; they were replaced by Jeff Young and Chuck Behler, respectively. Banyak cerita tentang perilaku tak menentu itu beredar di dalam masyarakat logam, dan mereka tampaknya dibuktikan benar ketika ia dipecat baik Polandia dan Samuelson sebelum rekaman album ketiga band itu, mereka digantikan oleh Jeff Young dan Chuck Behler, masing-masing. The new lineup debuted on So Far, So Good...So What!, released early in 1988. Lineup baru memulai debutnya pada So Far, So Good ... So What, dirilis! Awal tahun 1988. So Far, So Good peaked at number 28 on the charts and also eventually went platinum (despite less enthusiastic reviews); it also featured a notorious cover of the Sex Pistols' "Anarchy in the UK" with incorrect lyrics. So Far, So Good memuncak di nomor 28 di tangga lagu dan juga akhirnya pergi platinum (walaupun kurang antusias review); itu juga menampilkan penutup terkenal dari Sex Pistols '"Anarchy di Inggris" dengan lirik yang salah.
In the years immediately following the release of So Far, So Good...So What!, Mustaine was impaired by his drug addictions. Pada tahun-tahun segera setelah rilis So Far, So Good ... So What, Mustaine! Telah rusak oleh kecanduan narkoba. In early 1990, he was arrested for driving under the influence and entered a rehabilitation program. Pada awal tahun 1990, ia ditangkap karena mengemudi di bawah pengaruh dan memasuki program rehabilitasi. By the end of the year, he was not only sober, but he had reconvened the band, firing Young and Behler and replacing them with guitarist Marty Friedman and drummer Nick Menza. Pada akhir tahun, ia tidak hanya mabuk, tetapi ia telah berkumpul kembali band, menembak Young dan Behler dan menggantinya dengan gitaris Marty Friedman dan drummer Nick Menza. This lineup recorded Megadeth's fourth and most progressive album, Rust in Peace. Formasi ini merekam album Megadeth keempat dan paling progresif, Rust Perdamaian. The record peaked at number 23 on the American charts and went platinum. Rekor memuncak di nomor 23 di tangga lagu Amerika dan pergi platinum. 1991 saw Metallica break through to the mainstream, and sensing the possibility for similar success, Mustaine followed suit in stripping down the band's sound, though it remained as technically perfectionistic as Rust in Peace. 1991 Metallica melihat menerobos ke arus utama, dan merasakan kemungkinan untuk sukses yang sama, Mustaine mengikutinya dalam melucuti menuruni suara band, meskipun tetap sebagai teknis perfeksionis sebagai Rust Perdamaian. The result, Countdown to Extinction, was released in 1992, entering the charts at number two; the record went double platinum and became the band's biggest hit, confirming that they had retained their audience in the wake of grunge. Hasilnya, Countdown to Extinction, dirilis pada tahun 1992, masuk tangga lagu di nomor dua, mencatat pergi platinum ganda dan menjadi hit band terbesar, membenarkan bahwa mereka telah mempertahankan penonton mereka setelah grunge.
Now one of the most popular metal bands in the world, Megadeth moved further toward the mainstream with Youthanasia in 1994, which entered the charts at number four and, like its predecessor, went platinum. Sekarang salah satu band metal yang paling populer di dunia, Megadeth bergerak lebih lanjut ke arus utama dengan Youthanasia tahun 1994, yang masuk tangga lagu di nomor empat dan, seperti pendahulunya, pergi platinum. The following year, the group released Hidden Treasures, a rarities collection that featured some of the soundtrack tunes that had helped expand the group's MTV audience in the early '90s. Tahun berikutnya, kelompok ini merilis Hidden Treasures, koleksi langka yang menampilkan beberapa lagu soundtrack yang telah membantu memperluas kelompok pemirsa MTV di awal 90-an. 1997's Cryptic Writings found Megadeth fully embraced by album rock radio, which formerly would never have touched the band. Tahun 1997 ditemukan Megadeth Cryptic Writings sepenuhnya dianut oleh radio album rock, yang sebelumnya tidak akan pernah menyentuh band. Ex-Suicidal Tendencies drummer Jimmy DeGrasso signed on in 1998, in time for the following year's Risk. Kecenderungan bunuh diri mantan drumer Jimmy DeGrasso ditandatangani pada tahun 1998, pada waktunya untuk Risiko tahun berikutnya. In 2000, following the release of the best-of Capitol Punishment, Marty Friedman followed Nick Menza out the door; he was replaced by former Savatage and Alice Cooper guitarist Al Pitrelli. Pada tahun 2000, setelah rilis yang terbaik-Hukuman Capitol, Marty Friedman diikuti Nick Menza keluar pintu, ia digantikan oleh mantan Savatage dan Alice Cooper gitaris Al Pitrelli. After signing with the BMG subsidiary Sanctuary, Megadeth debuted its new lineup on 2001's The World Needs a Hero. Setelah penandatanganan dengan anak perusahaan BMG Sanctuary, Megadeth debut lineup baru pada tahun 2001, The World Kebutuhan Pahlawan.
While on break from touring, Mustaine suffered a serious injury in January 2002 while staying in Texas. Sedangkan pada istirahat dari tur, Mustaine mengalami cedera serius pada bulan Januari 2002 selama tinggal di Texas. He was diagnosed with having radial neuropathy shortly thereafter, a condition that prevented him from playing guitar. Dia didiagnosis dengan memiliki neuropati radial lama kemudian, suatu kondisi yang mencegah dia dari bermain gitar. The compressed radial nerves in his left arm and hand were strained, leaving Megadeth little recourse but to disband in April 2002, after almost 20 years in the music industry. Saraf radial dikompresi di lengan kiri dan tangan yang tegang, meninggalkan jalan Megadeth kecil tetapi untuk bubar pada bulan April 2002, setelah hampir 20 tahun di industri musik. During his time off, Mustaine prepared an elaborate reissue campaign, remastering each album and reissuing them all with bonus material. Selama waktunya off, Mustaine mempersiapkan kampanye ulang rumit, remastering setiap album dan penerbitan kembali mereka semua dengan bahan bonus. This campaign set the stage for a Megadeth revival, which came in 2004-2005 with a surprising comeback album, The System Has Failed, and some heavy touring. Kampanye ini mengatur panggung untuk kebangkitan Megadeth, yang datang pada tahun 2004-2005 dengan album comeback mengejutkan, Sistem Gagal, dan beberapa tur berat. Capitol released a new best-of, simply titled Greatest Hits, just as Megadeth hit the summer concert circuit, headlining Mustaine's own Gigantour festival. Capitol merilis sebuah baru best-of, Greatest Hits hanya berjudul, seperti Megadeth menghantam rangkaian konser musim panas, festival headlining Mustaine's Gigantour sendiri. In 2007, Megadeth released the politically charged United Abominations, followed by the similarly apocalyptic Endgame in 2009. Pada tahun 2007, Megadeth merilis Serikat bermuatan politik kekejian, diikuti oleh Endgame sama apokaliptik pada tahun 2009. Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Rovi Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Rovi
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