White Lion Biography

In the beggining of last decade, actually 1982, Mike moved from Spain where he lived for three years (originally Danish, moved to Spain at the age of 18) ,to Santa Monica. Pada awal dekade terakhir, sebenarnya 1982, Mike pindah dari Spanyol di mana ia tinggal selama tiga tahun (awalnya Denmark, pindah ke Spanyol pada usia 18), ke Santa Monica. There he met guitarist Vito Bratta, and decided that the time has come for them. Di sana ia bertemu gitaris Vito Bratta, dan memutuskan bahwa saatnya telah tiba bagi mereka. They joined forces with bassist Felix Robinson and drummer Nicky Capozzi and started the story. Mereka bergabung dengan bassis Felix Robinson dan drummer Nicky Capozzi dan mulai cerita. The story's name was WHITE LION! Nama cerita itu WHITE LION! They had the killer songs, all they needed yet was the contract with the record company. Mereka memiliki lagu pembunuh, semua yang mereka butuhkan belum adalah kontrak dengan perusahaan rekaman. They managed to sign with Elektra Records, and overjoyed went to Frankfurt (Germany) to record their debut FIGHT TO SURVIVE. Mereka berhasil sign dengan Elektra Records, dan gembira pergi ke Frankfurt (Jerman) untuk merekam FIGHT debut mereka ATAS MENYELURUH. Everything went great, they had great stuff, the producer was contented, had the great team, the people from record company called every day to say how satisfied they were with their works and how they were ready to give them support of any kind...But that was to ideal to be true. Semuanya berjalan besar, mereka memiliki barang yang besar, produser itu puas, memiliki tim yang hebat, orang-orang dari perusahaan rekaman dipanggil setiap hari untuk mengatakan bagaimana mereka puas dengan karya-karya mereka dan bagaimana mereka siap untuk memberikan dukungan dalam bentuk apapun .. Tapi itu adalah ideal untuk menjadi kenyataan.. Back then the boys were full of begginer's enthusiasm, and there was no time for any kind of pessimism. Kembali kemudian anak-anak itu penuh semangat begginer, dan tidak ada waktu untuk setiap jenis pesimisme. Few months before the record was supposed to see the light, they found that they were forgotten. Beberapa bulan sebelum rekor itu seharusnya melihat cahaya, mereka menemukan bahwa mereka terlupakan. Fired. Dipecat. Kicked out. Menendang keluar. They had no idea what's going on. Mereka tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Everyone at the company acted like there was no contract. Semua orang di perusahaan bertindak seperti ada kontrak ada. They gave no attention to what will happen with the band or the album. Mereka memberi tidak memperhatikan apa yang akan terjadi dengan band atau album. There was the story that the singer of one hi-rated band, which was also under Elektra, was frightened that WL would make success, after which his band will lose (!?!) some because of that. Ada cerita bahwa penyanyi satu pita hi-rated, yang juga di bawah Elektra, takut bahwa WL akan membuat kesuksesan, setelah itu band-nya akan kehilangan (!?!) beberapa karena itu. He thought that there was no room for both bands, so he made same moves... Dia berpikir bahwa tidak ada ruang bagi kedua band, jadi dia mengambil langkah yang sama ... WL managed to release the album in Japan, and very soon went gold. WL berhasil merilis album di Jepang, dan segera pergi emas. One small house brought it to Europe also. Satu rumah kecil membawanya ke Eropa juga. The album brought attraction to a lot of American record houses, and very soon the band was in Atlantic Records. Album ini membawa daya tarik banyak rumah rekaman Amerika, dan sangat segera band ini di Atlantic Records. Only this time they assured from any kind of breaking the contract, or any kind of bad work. Hanya saja kali ini mereka meyakinkan dari segala jenis melanggar kontrak, atau jenis pekerjaan yang buruk.
In the meantime the band had one line-up change. Sementara itu band memiliki satu-up mengubah baris. Bass guitarist James Lomenzo replaced Dave Spitz (brother of Anthrax's guitarist Dan Spitz) who was in the band some time, and Greg "Kickin' Ass" D'Angelo, former Anthrax drummer came to WL. Bass gitaris James Lomenzo diganti Dave Spitz (saudara Anthrax's gitaris Dan Spitz) yang berada di band beberapa waktu, dan Greg "'Ass Kickin" D'Angelo, mantan drummer Anthrax datang ke WL. Now this formation gave the band new injection to reach out for new horisonts. Sekarang formasi ini memberikan suntikan band baru untuk menjangkau untuk horisonts baru. The result was PRIDE,... Hasilnya adalah PRIDE, ... the story of the youth..., the album which presented some fresh, untamable, wide kind of sound, with great lines, power drumming and nervous guitar stuff (with the exeption of When The Children Cry, the song closing the album, which was in some softer feeling). kisah dari pemuda ..., album yang disajikan beberapa, segar untamable, jenis luas suara, dengan garis-garis besar, drum listrik dan hal-hal gitar saraf (dengan pengecualian dari Ketika Anak Cry, lagu penutup album, yang berada di beberapa merasa lebih lembut). The World Tour was on, while as soon as the album came out it was annouced as album of the month in numerous magazines. Tour Dunia menyala, sementara begitu album keluar itu annouced sebagai album bulan di berbagai majalah.
The tour ended in november '88 when the band soon went back to studio to record brand new album, which came in the beginning of '89.The album was called BIG GAME, and very soon was on the top of the charts. Tur berakhir pada November '88 ketika band itu segera kembali ke studio untuk merekam album baru merek, yang datang pada awal '89, The. album ini disebut BIG GAME dan sangat segera berada di puncak tangga lagu. There were great rocking numers like Living On The Edge, Goin' Home Tonight or a killer version of Golden Earring's Radar Love. Ada numers goyang hebat seperti Hidup Pada Edge, Goin 'Home Tonight atau versi pembunuh Golden Earring's Radar Love. But like WTCCry on PRIDE, they touched some touchy themes like Cry For Freedom, Broken Home or Little Fighter (In Memory Of The Rainbow Warrior). Tapi seperti WTCCry pada PRIDE, mereka menyentuh beberapa tema-tema sensitif seperti Cry Untuk Kebebasan, Home Broken atau Little Fighter (In Memory Of The Rainbow Warrior).
They toured a lot, and when they finished they took a lot more time to create the material for another record. Mereka melakukan tur banyak, dan ketika mereka selesai mereka mengambil lebih banyak waktu untuk membuat bahan untuk catatan lain. During 1991 they finally released MANE ATTRACTION, the album that brought them back on position #ONE. Selama tahun 1991 mereka akhirnya merilis Mane TARIK, album yang membawa mereka kembali pada posisi # SATU. This time they had Richie Zito producing this album. Kali ini mereka telah Richie Zito memproduksi album ini. Ten perfect songs, including Lights And Thunder, the opening tune, which has its specifical intensity, Love Don't Come Easy, which was actually the first single off the album in America (for Europe it was Lights And Thunder), rawer Leave Me Alone, very strong War Song (What Are We Fighting For) with some great tempo change in the middle of it, and two brilliant solos (which Vito's guitar part is bad, by the way? Never heard actually!), one outofcontrolfastandloose in the first part, and after the slowing down one deep blue sensitive solo with great support by the rest of the band.On CD release you can find two bonus songs, contagious She's Got Everything, and Blue Monday, instrumental, in memory of SRVaughan. Sepuluh lagu yang sempurna, termasuk Lampu Dan Thunder, lagu pembukaan, yang memiliki intensitas specifical nya, Love Don't Come Easy, yang sebenarnya adalah single pertama dari album di Amerika (untuk Eropa itu adalah Lights Dan Thunder), rawer Tinggalkan Aku sendiri, sangat kuat Perang Song (Apa Apakah Kita Fighting Untuk) dengan beberapa perubahan tempo besar di tengah itu, dan dua solo brilian (yang gitar bagian's Vito adalah buruk, dengan cara mendengar? Jangan sebenarnya!), satu outofcontrolfastandloose di Bagian pertama, dan setelah satu jauh di lubuk sensitif solo biru memperlambat dengan dukungan besar oleh sisa dari rilis CD band.On Anda bisa menemukan dua lagu bonus, menular Dia Got Semuanya, dan Blue Monday, instrumental, dalam ingatan SRVaughan. They re-released the song Broken Heart, which also appeared on their FIGHT TO SURVIVE works, here in different shape and that was their second single off the album. Mereka kembali merilis lagu Broken Heart, yang juga muncul di FIGHT mereka ATAS MENYELURUH bekerja, di sini dalam bentuk yang berbeda dan yang single kedua mereka dari album.
So bad that this was actually their last tour together. Begitu buruk bahwa ini sebenarnya tur terakhir mereka bersama-sama. The band broke apart in the middle of it. Band ini pecah di tengah itu. After that they continued in different line-up, with Tommy T-Bone Caradonna on bass, and Jimmy De Grasso on drums, but not for long. Setelah itu mereka melanjutkan di berbagai line-up, dengan Tommy T-Bone Caradonna pada bass, dan Jimmy De Grasso pada drum, tapi tidak lama. Cheers!! Cheers!
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