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Loudness Kekerasan | |
Loudness in 2010 Kenyaringan tahun 2010 | |
Background information Informasi latar belakang | |
Origin Asal | Osaka , Japan Osaka , Jepang |
Genres Genre | Heavy metal , glam metal , progressive metal Heavy metal , glam metal , progressive metal |
Years active Tahun aktif | 1981–present 1981-sekarang |
Labels Label | Columbia , Atco , Warner Music Group , Rooms, Tokuma Japan, Wounded Bird Records Columbia , Atco , Warner Music Group , Kamar, Jepang Tokuma, Records Burung Terluka |
Associated acts Asosiasi bertindak | Lazy , Ezo , Earthshaker , Anthem , Obsession , Yngwie Malmsteen Malas , Ezo , Earthshaker , Lagu Kebangsaan , Obsession , Yngwie Malmsteen |
Members Anggota | |
Minoru Niihara Minoru Niihara Akira Takasaki Akira Takasaki Masayoshi Yamashita Masayoshi Yamashita Masayuki Suzuki Masayuki Suzuki | |
Past members Lalu anggota | |
Munetaka Higuchi (deceased) Munetaka Higuchi (almarhum) Mike Vescera Mike Vescera Hirotsugu Homma Hirotsugu Homma Naoto Shibata Naoto Shibata Masaki Yamada Masaki Yamada Taiji Sawada Taiji Sawada |
[ edit ] Biography [ sunting ] Biografi
[ edit ] 1981 - 1984: From Lazy to Loudness [ sunting ] 1981 - 1984: Dari Malas Loudness
The band was started by guitarist Akira Takasaki , bassist Hiroyuki Tanaka and drummer Munetaka Higuchi , coming off the split-up of the pop-rock band Lazy in February 1981. Band ini dimulai oleh gitaris Akira Takasaki , bassis dan drummer Tanaka Hiroyuki Munetaka Higuchi , datang dari split-up dari band pop-rock Lazy pada bulan Februari 1981. The three musicians, and Takasaki in particular, were unsatisfied with the musical direction of their previous band and wanted to test their abilities in new avenues. Tiga musisi, dan Takasaki khususnya, tidak puas dengan arah musik band mereka sebelumnya dan ingin menguji kemampuan mereka di jalan baru. The rising movement of new Japanese heavy metal acts ( Bow Wow , Anthem , etc.) fit the aspirations and musical tendencies of the young musicians. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Nevertheless, bassist Tanaka soon renounced to be part of the new metal band, searching success in the anime soundtrack business, with the band Neverland . Gerakan meningkatnya tindakan baru logam berat Jepang ( Bow Wow , Lagu Kebangsaan , dll) sesuai dengan aspirasi dan kecenderungan musik dari musisi muda. [3] [4] Namun demikian, bassis Tanaka segera meninggalkan untuk menjadi bagian dari band metal baru, mencari sukses di anime soundtrack bisnis, dengan band Neverland . Takasaki recruited his childhood friend Masayoshi Yamashita as bass player [ 5 ] and the band found a singer in Minoru Niihara , after a few auditions. Takasaki direkrut temannya anak Masayoshi Yamashita sebagai pemain bass [5] dan band ini menemukan seorang penyanyi di Minoru Niihara , setelah beberapa audisi.With this line-up, Loudness signed for the major label Nippon Columbia and recorded their Japanese-language debut album , The Birthday Eve . Dengan line-up, Loudness menandatangani untuk label besar Nippon Columbia dan dicatat debut Jepang bahasa mereka album , The Birthday Eve . Despite the lack of any single, the debut album and the concerts to support it were quite successful, [ 6 ] especially given that the heavy metal genre did not have much presence in Japan yet. [ 2 ] The flashy shred guitar work of Takasaki and the solid musicianship of the other band members became soon a trademark of their performances in studio and on stage. [ 7 ] The band, excited by the good sales response in Japan, produced four studio albums in rapid succession, [ 8 ] while guitarist Takasaki found the time to start his solo career, releasing the album Tusk of Jaguar , which the other group members played in. Meskipun tidak adanya single, debut album dan konser untuk mendukung hal itu cukup berhasil, [6] terutama mengingat bahwa logam berat genre tidak memiliki kehadiran di Jepang belum banyak. [2] yang mencolok gitar rusak pekerjaan Takasaki dan kecakapan musik yang solid dari anggota band lainnya segera menjadi merek dagang dari penampilan mereka di studio dan di panggung. [7] The band, senang dengan respon penjualan yang baik di Jepang, menghasilkan empat album studio di suksesi cepat, [8] sementara gitaris Takasaki menemukan waktu untuk memulai solo karir, merilis album Tusk dari Jaguar , anggota kelompok yang lain bermain masuk
In 1983, after recording their third album The Law of Devil's Land , they embarked on their first United States tour, followed by a tour in Europe. [ 1 ] They moved to Europe to record their fourth album Disillusion , performing several concerts there, as documented in their second video Eurobounds . Pada tahun 1983, setelah merekam album ketiga mereka Hukum Devil's Land , mereka memulai Amerika mereka tur Serikat pertama, diikuti dengan tur di Eropa. [1] Mereka pindah ke Eropa untuk merekam album keempat mereka kekecewaan , melakukan beberapa konser di sana, sebagai didokumentasikan dalam kedua video Eurobounds . As an attempt to break in the international scene, the band re-recorded the vocal tracks of the album Disillusion in English language, releasing their first album outside of Japan in 1984. [ 5 ] Sebagai upaya untuk istirahat di kancah internasional, band-kembali mencatat vokal lagu dari album kekecewaan dalam bahasa Inggris, merilis album pertama mereka di luar Jepang pada tahun 1984. [5]
[ edit ] 1985 - 1991: American years [ sunting ] 1985 - 1991: tahun Amerika
Finally in 1985, through the management of Twisted Sister co-manager Joe Gerber, they inked an international record deal with Atco Records . Akhirnya pada tahun 1985, melalui pengelolaan Twisted Sister co-manager Joe Gerber, mereka menandatangani sebuah kontrak rekaman internasional dengan Atco Records . Such an achievement was the first in Japanese music history. Prestasi tersebut adalah yang pertama dalam sejarah musik Jepang. Their fifth album, the Max Norman produced Thunder in the East , was recorded in the US and became a very successful album for Loudness. [ 4 ] Their first American release, it peaked at #74 in the Billboard charts on the strength of the single "Crazy Nights". [ 9 ] album kelima mereka, yang Norman Max diproduksi Thunder di Timur , tercatat di Amerika Serikat dan menjadi album yang sangat sukses untuk Loudness. [4] rilis Amerika pertama mereka, hal itu memuncak di # 74 di Billboard chart pada kekuatan dari single "Crazy Nights". [9]
Their sixth album, Lightning Strikes , was once again produced by Max Norman and charted at #64, [ 10 ] receiving very good reviews [ 11 ] and making Loudness a worldwide attraction. Album keenam mereka, Lightning Strikes , sekali lagi dihasilkan oleh Max Norman dan memetakan di # 64, [10] menerima baik review sangat [11] dan membuat Kenyaringan daya tarik di seluruh dunia. The album was released in a different edition in Japan under the name Shadows of War . Album ini dirilis dalam edisi yang berbeda di Jepang dengan nama Shadows of War . However, their success in the United States moved the group to write more commercial pop-metal [ 12 ] - a prime example being the single "Let It Go"- which was quite different from what they had done in all their previous albums. Namun, kesuksesan mereka di Amerika Serikat pindah kelompok untuk menulis lebih komersial pop-logam [12] - contoh utama menjadi single "Let It Go" - yang sangat berbeda dari apa yang mereka lakukan di semua album mereka sebelumnya. Following this new and apparently chart-rewarding direction, the band lost some of their supportive Japanese fan base, that did not accept the homologation to the US glam metal standards of bands like Ratt and Motley Crue . [ 8 ] Setelah ini dan tampaknya menguntungkan grafik-arah baru, band ini kehilangan beberapa basis penggemar Jepang mendukung mereka, yang tidak menerima homologasi ke Amerika glam metal standar band-band seperti Ratt dan Motley Crue . [8]
Following the Jealousy EP in 1988, singer Niihara was fired from the band, after producer Max Norman's suggestion that an English speaking vocalist could help the band break through in the American market. [ 5 ] The chosen American vocalist was former Obsession frontman Mike Vescera , [ 2 ] . Minoru Niihara continued his singing career in Japan as frontman of the metal bands Ded Chaplin , Sly and XYZ→A , besides releasing a solo album. Setelah Kecemburuan EP pada tahun 1988, penyanyi Niihara dipecat dari band, setelah Max Norman saran produsen bahwa vokalis berbahasa Inggris dapat membantu memecahkan band melalui di pasar Amerika. [5] The vokalis Amerika dipilih adalah mantan Obsesi frontman Mike Vescera , [2] . Minoru Niihara melanjutkan karir bernyanyi di Jepang sebagai frontman dari band-band metal Ded Chaplin , Sly dan XYZ → A , selain merilis album solo. This new Loudness' line-up recorded two studio albums, Soldier of Fortune in 1989 and in 1991 On the Prowl , which included only three new songs among remakes of older material now sung by Vescera. baru 'Loudness line-up ini merekam dua album studio, Soldier of Fortune pada tahun 1989 dan pada tahun 1991 Pada berkeliaran , termasuk hanya tiga lagu baru di antara remake bahan tua sekarang dinyanyikan oleh Vescera. Despite extensive tours and strong support from their label, the new albums were not enough to improve the band's status in America and also took their toll on the Japanese fanbase of Loudness. Meskipun tur dan dukungan yang kuat dari label mereka, album baru tidak cukup untuk meningkatkan status band di Amerika dan juga mengambil korban mereka di fanbase Jepang Loudness. Vescera, after the release of the single "Slap in the Face", left during their 1991 American tour to join Yngwie J. Malmsteen 's band, and was replaced by former Ezo vocalist Masaki Yamada to finish the tour. Vescera, setelah merilis single "Slap dalam Face", tahun 1991 Amerika meninggalkan tur mereka untuk bergabung dengan Yngwie J. Malmsteen band ', dan digantikan oleh mantan Ezo vokalis Masaki Yamada untuk menyelesaikan tur. However, the sudden predilection of the American audience for the gritty and aggressive sound of grunge and alternative rock bands at the beginning of the 90s, de facto put an end to the American adventure of Loudness, as well as many other bands from the glam and heavy metal scene. [ 13 ] Namun, kegemaran tiba-tiba penonton Amerika dan agresif suara beluk grunge dan rock alternatif band pada awal 90-an, de facto mengakhiri petualangan Amerika Loudness, serta band lainnya dari glam dan heavy metal scene. [13]
[ edit ] 1992 - 1999: Back to start [ sunting ] 1992 - 1999: Kembali ke awal
Soon after their return in Japan, Masayoshi Yamashita also left the band and was replaced by former X Japan bassist, Taiji Sawada . Segera setelah kembali mereka di Jepang, Masayoshi Yamashita juga meninggalkan band dan digantikan oleh mantan Jepang X bassis, Taiji Sawada . This line-up produced the self-titled album Loudness in 1992 and the 1993 live album Once and for All . line-up ini menghasilkan album self-titled Kenyaringan pada tahun 1992 dan tinggal album 1993 Sekali dan untuk Semua . The sound and the music presented in these works is heavier and more aggressive than in the albums produced in America and marks the beginning of a new phase in the career of Akira Takasaki, main composer of the band. [ 14 ] Suara dan musik yang disajikan dalam karya-karya lebih berat dan lebih agresif daripada di album yang diproduksi di Amerika dan menandai awal dari sebuah fase baru dalam karir Akira Takasaki, komposer utama dari band ini. [14]In 1993, the band was again on the verge of falling apart, with the departure of both Higuchi, who went to play in Niihara's Sly , and Sawada, who founded Dirty Trashroad. Pada tahun 1993, band ini lagi di ambang berantakan, dengan keberangkatan dari kedua Higuchi, yang pergi ke bermain di Niihara's Sly , dan Sawada, yang mendirikan Dirty Trashroad. Akira Takasaki remained the only founding member, with a band to reinvent. Akira Takasaki tetap anggota pendiri saja, dengan sebuah band untuk menemukan kembali. In this period he traveled to India and converted to Buddhism , somehow finding the right motivations to not disband Loudness. [ 5 ] He convinced Yamada to stay as singer and, with his help, recruited former Ezo drummer Hirotsugu Homma to the band. Pada periode ini ia pergi ke India dan dikonversi ke Buddhisme , entah bagaimana menemukan motivasi yang tepat untuk tidak membubarkan Loudness. [5] Ia yakin Yamada untuk tinggal sebagai penyanyi, dan dengan bantuannya, merekrut mantan Ezo drummer Hirotsugu Homma untuk band. The trio produced in 1994 Heavy Metal Hippies , a transitional studio album, where Takasaki tried to mix the old Loudness' sound with grunge and world music influences. [ 15 ] To bring the band on tour, Takasaki completed the roster with Naoto Shibata, bassist and leader of the then disbanded Japanese heavy metal band Anthem . Trio yang dihasilkan pada tahun 1994 Logam Berat Hippie , album studio transisi, dimana Takasaki mencoba untuk mencampur tua 'Kenyaringan suara dengan grunge dan musik dunia pengaruh. [15] Untuk membawa band tur, Takasaki menyelesaikan daftar dengan Naoto Shibata, bassis dan pemimpin dibubarkan Jepang kemudian band heavy metal Anthem . This new incarnation of Loudness released three other studio albums ( Ghetto Machine , Dragon and Engine ) and one live album ( Loud 'n' Raw ) between 1994 and 1999. Ini inkarnasi baru Loudness merilis tiga album studio lain ( Ghetto Machine , Naga dan Engine ) dan satu album live ( baku 'n' keras ) antara tahun 1994 dan 1999. The sound of these releases is quite different from the band's earlier works, with Takasaki's compositions veering strongly towards groove metal with heavy psychedelic and ethnic influences. [ 7 ] Homma's double bass drum beat is another important difference from earlier Loudness' sound. [ 16 ] The band toured regularly in Asia and went to Europe, where they participated to the 1999 edition of the Dynamo Open Air Festival. [ 16 ] Suara rilis ini sangat berbeda dari yang sebelumnya bekerja band, dengan's komposisi Takasaki membelok kuat terhadap logam alur dengan berat psychedelic etnis pengaruh dan. [7] double bass's Homma drum mengalahkan satu lagi perbedaan penting dari 'Kenyaringan suara sebelumnya. [16] Band melakukan tur secara teratur di Asia dan pergi ke Eropa, di mana mereka berpartisipasi pada edisi 1999 Dynamo Open Air Festival. [16]
[ edit ] 2000 - 2008: Reunion [ sunting ] 2000 - 2008: Reunion
In 2000 Yamada started to be tired of Loudness and suggested a reunion with the original line-up to celebrate the band's 20th Anniversary. [ 5 ] Takasaki agreed and dismissed Homma and Shibata, requesting Higuchi, Niihara and Yamashita to rejoin the band for the event. Pada tahun 2000 Yamada mulai bosan Kenyaringan dan menyarankan sebuah reuni dengan garis aslinya-up untuk merayakan's 20th Anniversary band. [5] Takasaki setuju dan diberhentikan Homma dan Shibata, meminta Higuchi, Niihara dan Yamashita untuk bergabung kembali dengan band untuk acara . The original members of the band reunited in 2001, [ 17 ] releasing the album Spiritual Canoe and doing a celebrative tour. Asli anggota band bersatu kembali pada tahun 2001, [17] merilis album Spiritual Canoe dan melakukan tur selebratif. Although intended to be a one-time event, the popularity of the band's reunion in its native Japan was overwhelming and the band decided to continue recording and live activities. [ 6 ] [ 18 ] At least one studio album and one DVD release have followed every year since the 2001 reunion, in addition to one-off recordings, like 2005's theme song for famed K-1 fighter Musashi ("The Battleship Musashi"). Meskipun dimaksudkan sebagai waktu acara satu, popularitas band reuni di perusahaan Jepang asli sangat antusias dan band ini memutuskan untuk melanjutkan perekaman dan aktivitas hidup. [6] [18] Setidaknya satu studio album dan satu DVD telah mengikuti setiap tahun sejak, reuni 2001 di samping-off rekaman satu, seperti lagu tema 2005 untuk terkenal K-1 tempur Musashi ("The Battleship Musashi").In the new Loudness' studio albums, the band tries again the fusion of different musical influences with the 80s' melodic metal sound of the band, adopting very different styles of composition. [ 19 ] [ 20 ] The result is often a rather inhomogeneous collection of songs, going from classic heavy metal sound to speed metal, thrash metal and grunge, with ethnic and even hip hop influences. [ 7 ] The band's popularity remains very high in Japan, where they continued touring every year. Dalam Loudness baru 'album studio, band ini mencoba lagi perpaduan dari pengaruh musik yang berbeda dengan tahun 80-an' suara logam melodi dari band, mengadopsi gaya yang sangat berbeda komposisi. [19] [20] Hasilnya adalah sering merupakan koleksi yang agak homogen lagu, pergi dari logam berat classic ke speed metal, thrash metal dan grunge, dengan etnis dan bahkan hip hop pengaruh. [7] band popularitas tetap sangat tinggi di Jepang, di mana mereka melanjutkan tur setiap tahun. Loudness even tried a new approach to the international market, with the reissue of the albums RockShocks and Racing in English language and an international tour that brought the band back to the USA, as documented in the DVD "Loudness In America '06". Kenyaringan bahkan mencoba pendekatan baru ke pasar internasional, dengan penerbitan ulang album RockShocks dan Racing dalam bahasa Inggris dan tur internasional yang membawa band ini kembali ke Amerika Serikat, seperti yang didokumentasikan di "DVD" Loudness Di Amerika '06.
In April 2008, just two months after releasing the album Metal Mad , they decided to go on hiatus, when drummer Munetaka Higuchi was diagnosed with liver cancer. [ 21 ] They played with Mötley Crüe in October 2008 at the Greater Tokyo Area 's Saitama Super Arena , with session drummer Kozo Suganuma (Fragile, Ded Chaplin) filling in for Higuchi. Pada bulan April 2008, hanya dua bulan setelah merilis album Metal Mad , mereka memutuskan untuk pergi hiatus, ketika drummer Munetaka Higuchi didiagnosa menderita kanker hati. [21] Mereka bermain dengan Mötley Crüe pada bulan Oktober 2008 di Greater Tokyo Area 's Saitama Super Arena , dengan sesi drummer Kozo Suganuma (Fragile, Ded Chaplin) untuk mengisi Higuchi. On 30 November 2008 Munetaka died from his illness at a hospital in Osaka at age 49. [ 22 ] In December 2008, the band issued the following statement on their website about passing of their dearest friend and original drummer Munetaka Higuchi: 30 November 2008 Munetaka meninggal di rumah sakit penyakit di Osaka pada usia 49. Pada [22] Pada bulan Desember 2008, band ini mengeluarkan pernyataan berikut di situs web mereka tentang berlalunya tercinta teman mereka dan asli drummer Munetaka Higuchi:
"Munetaka Higuchi passed away from liver cancer at a hospital in Osaka city in the morning of 30 Nov. 2008. With permission from his family, we are officially announcing his passing. We realize this announcement came late and we apologize for that. With his and his family's request, a wake and funeral will be held privately. For the press and the fans, we will make sure that you have an opportunity to say your goodbyes to him at later time. For the last eight months since he was diagnosed with liver cancer, he had been in and out of the hospital several times for the treatment. For the entire time, he was very positive and bravely fighting this disease. He had this strong desire to come back to the stage to play for the fans again. His death came very suddenly and was a very immature one. He lived his life to the fullest as a rock drummer who always gave us hopes and dreams. His heart and soul for music will be succeeded for a long time to come. Munetaka, we are grateful for all your hard work and the great 49 years you lived with us here in this world. We would like to express our appreciation for all your condolences sent here for him." [ 23 ] "Munetaka Higuchi meninggal dari kanker hati di sebuah rumah sakit di kota Osaka pada pagi hari 30 November 2008. Dengan izin dari keluarganya, kami secara resmi mengumumkan kematiannya Kami menyadari pengumuman ini datang terlambat dan kami mohon maaf untuk itu.. Dengan Nya dan permintaan keluarganya, bangun dan pemakaman akan diadakan pribadi Untuk pers dan para fans, kami akan memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal padanya di waktu kemudian.. Selama delapan bulan terakhir sejak ia didiagnosis dengan kanker hati, ia telah masuk dan keluar dari rumah sakit beberapa kali untuk pengobatan. Untuk seluruh waktu, dia sangat positif dan berani melawan penyakit ini Dia. ini keinginan yang kuat untuk kembali ke panggung untuk bermain bagi penggemar lagi kematian Nya datang. sangat tiba-tiba dan yang sangat dewasa. Ia hidup hidupnya untuk sepenuhnya sebagai drummer rock yang selalu memberi kami harapan dan impian hati-Nya. dan jiwa untuk musik akan berhasil untuk waktu yang lama untuk datang. Munetaka, kami berterima kasih atas semua kerja keras Anda dan 49 besar tahun Anda tinggal bersama kami di sini di dunia ini akan. Kami ingin menyampaikan penghargaan kami untuk semua belasungkawa Anda dikirim ke sini untuk dia ". [23]
[ edit ] 2009 - present: Recent Events [ sunting ] 2009 - sekarang: Acara Terbaru
The band confirmed (through Takasaki), despite the recent loss of drummer Munetaka Higuchi, they would be recording a new studio album [ 24 ] titled The Everlasting , that was released in 2009. Band ini mengkonfirmasi (melalui Takasaki), meskipun kehilangan terkini dari drummer Munetaka Higuchi, mereka akan merekam album studio baru [24] berjudul The akhirat , yang dirilis pada tahun 2009. The new material was based on drum tracks recorded by Higuchi before his death. Bahan baru ini berdasarkan pada drum lagu yang direkam oleh Higuchi sebelum kematiannya. Upon the album's release, they introduced a new drummer in Masayuki Suzuki. Setelah rilis album, mereka memperkenalkan drummer baru di Masayuki Suzuki. The band went on tour in 2009, presenting only material from their first four albums [ 25 ] and announced a new album titled King of Pain , which was released in May 2010. [ 26 ] Also in 2010, Loudness featured at the Bang Your Head!!! festival in Germany and did a brief European tour. [ 27 ] Band ini melanjutkan tur di tahun 2009, menyajikan materi hanya dari empat album pertama mereka [25] dan mengumumkan album baru berjudul King of Pain , yang dirilis pada Mei 2010. [26] Juga pada tahun 2010, Loudness tampil di Bang Kepala Anda ! festival di Jerman dan melakukan tur Eropa singkat. [27][ edit ] Members [ sunting ] Anggota
[ edit ] Current [ sunting ] Lancar
- Minoru Niihara ( vocals , 1981–1988; 2001–present) – Minoru Niihara was born on 12 March 1960. Minoru Niihara ( vokal , 1981-1988, 2001-sekarang) - Minoru Niihara lahir pada 12 Maret 1960. His first band was Earthshaker , in which he sang and played bass. band pertama adalah Earthshaker , di mana ia bernyanyi dan bermain bass. He was influenced by blues music and became a member of the band in 1981. Ia dipengaruhi oleh musik blues dan menjadi anggota band pada tahun 1981. He departed the band in 1988, but after working with several bands (including Ded Chaplin , Sly and XYZ→A ) returned to Loudness. Dia meninggalkan band pada tahun 1988, tetapi setelah bekerja dengan beberapa band (termasuk Ded Chaplin , Sly dan XYZ → A ) kembali ke Loudness. He released a solo album in 2006 in addition to recording an album with XYZ→A . Dia merilis album solo di tahun 2006 selain merekam album dengan XYZ → A .
- Akira Takasaki ( electric guitar , 1981–present) – Akira was born in Osaka, on 22 February 1961. Akira Takasaki ( gitar listrik , 1981-sekarang) - Akira lahir di Osaka, pada tanggal 22 Pebruari 1961. He first started his music career as a member of the band Lazy . Dia pertama kali memulai karir musiknya sebagai anggota band Lazy . His musical style didn't get well with the band and he decided to make his original band, Loudness. gaya musiknya tidak sembuh dengan band dan ia memutuskan untuk membuat band aslinya, Loudness.
- Masayoshi Yamashita ( bass guitar , 1981–1991; 2001–present) – Masayoshi Yamashita supports the band's music with his bass sound. Masayoshi Yamashita ( gitar bass , 1981-1991, 2001-sekarang) - Masayoshi Yamashita mendukung band musik dengan suara bass nya. He was asked to join Loudness since he was friends with Akira. [ 5 ] Ia diminta untuk bergabung dengan Loudness sejak ia berteman dengan Akira. [5]
- Masayuki Suzuki ( drums , 2009–present) Masayuki Suzuki ( drum , 2009-sekarang)
[ edit ] Previous [ sunting ] Sebelumnya
- Hirotsugu Homma – ( drums ) (1992–2001) ( Ezo , Saber Tiger , Anthem , Flatbacker) Hirotsugu Homma - ( drum ) (1992-2001) ( Ezo , Saber Tiger , Anthem , Flatbacker)
- Naoto Shibata – bass (1993–2001) ( Anthem , Saber Tiger ) Naoto Shibata - bass (1993-2001) ( Anthem , Saber Tiger )
- Masaki Yamada – ( vocals ) (1991–2001) ( Ezo , Flatbacker) Masaki Yamada - ( vokal ) (1991-2001) ( Ezo , Flatbacker)
- Mike Vescera – ( vocals ) (1989–1991) (Killing Machine, The Reign of Terror , Obsession , Palace of Black, Safe Haven, Roland Grapow , MVP, Yngwie J. Malmsteen , Dr. Sin ) Mike Vescera - ( vokal ) (1989-1991) (Membunuh Mesin, Pemerintahan Terror , Obsession , Istana Black, Safe Haven, Roland Grapow , MVP, Yngwie J. Malmsteen , Dr Sin )
- Taiji Sawada – ( bass guitar ) (1992–1993) ( X Japan , Kings, Dirty Trashroad) Taiji Sawada - ( gitar bass ) (1992-1993) ( X Japan , Kings, Dirty Trashroad)
- Munetaka Higuchi ( drums , 1981–1992; 2001–2008) – Munetaka Higuchi played in Lazy with Akira, and later formed "Loudness" with him. Munetaka Higuchi ( drum , 1981-1992, 2001-2008) - Munetaka Higuchi bermain di Malas dengan Akira, dan kemudian membentuk "Loudness" dengan dia. After leaving Loudness in 1993, he formed Sly with Minoru and ex- Earthshaker guitarist Shinichiro Ishihara . Setelah meninggalkan Loudness pada tahun 1993, ia membentuk Sly dengan Minoru dan mantan- Earthshaker gitaris Shinichiro Ishihara . Sadly on 30 November of 2008, Munetaka died after an eight-month battle with liver cancer. Sayangnya pada tanggal 30 November 2008, Munetaka meninggal setelah pertempuran delapan bulan dengan kanker hati.
[ edit ] Discography [ sunting ] Diskografi
[ edit ] Studio albums [ sunting ] Album Studio
- The Birthday Eve (1981) The Birthday Eve (1981)
- Devil Soldier (1982) Devil Soldier (1982)
- The Law of Devil's Land (1983) Hukum Devil's Land (1983)
- Disillusion (1984) Kekecewaan (1984)
- Disillusion (1984) - English version Kekecewaan (1984) - versi bahasa Inggris
- Thunder in the East (9 November 1985) #74 (US) Thunder di Timur 9 November 1985) # (74 (US)
- Shadows of War (1986) Shadows of War (1986)
- Lightning Strikes (1986) - US Remix of Shadows of War #64 (US) Lightning Strikes (1986) - US Remix of Shadows of War # 64 (US)
- Hurricane Eyes (1987) #190 (US) Hurricane Eyes (1987) # 190 (US)
- Hurricane Eyes (1987) - Japanese Version Hurricane Eyes (1987) - Versi Jepang
- Soldier of Fortune (1989) #18 (JPN) Soldier of Fortune (1989) # 18 (JPN)
- On the Prowl (1991) #7 (JPN) Pada peronda (1991) # 7 (JPN)
- Loudness (1992) #2 (JPN) Loudness (1992) # 2 (JPN)
- Heavy Metal Hippies (1994) #29 (JPN) Heavy Metal Hippies (1994) # 29 (JPN)
- Ghetto Machine (1997) #65 (JPN) Ghetto Machine (1997) # 65 (JPN)
- Dragon (1998) #49 (JPN) Naga (1998) # 49 (JPN)
- Engine (1999) #48 (JPN) Engine (1999) # 48 (JPN)
- Spiritual Canoe (2001) #20 (JPN) Spiritual Canoe (2001) # 20 (JPN)
- Pandemonium (2001) #27 (JPN) Pandemonium (2001) # 27 (JPN)
- Biosphere (2002) #45 (JPN) Biosphere (2002) # 45 (JPN)
- Terror (2004) #88 (JPN) Teror (2004) # 88 (JPN)
- Racing (2004) #60 (JPN) Racing (2004) # 60 (JPN)
- Breaking the Taboo (2006) #129 (JPN) Breaking the Taboo (2006) # 129 (JPN)
- Metal Mad (2008) #51 (JPN) Logam Gila (2008) # 51 (JPN)
- The Everlasting (2009) #42 (JPN) The Everlasting (2009) # 42 (JPN)
- King of Pain (2010) #21 (JPN) Raja Pain (2010) # 21 (JPN)
[ edit ] EPs [ sunting ] EP
- Odin (1985) Odin (1985)
- Jealousy (1988) Cemburu (1988)
- Slap in the Face (1991) Tamparan Hadapi (1991)
[ edit ] Live albums [ sunting ] album Live
- Live-Loud-Alive: Loudness in Tokyo (1983) Live-Loud-Alive: Loudness di Tokyo (1983)
- 8186 Live (1986) 8186 Live (1986)
- Once and for All (1993) Sekali dan untuk Semua (1993)
- Loud 'n' Raw (1995) Loud 'n' Raw (1995)
- Eurobounds (2000) Eurobounds (2000)
- The Soldier's Just Came Back (2001) The Soldier's Just Came Back (2001)
- Loudness Live 2002 (2003) Kenyaringan Live 2002 (2.003)
- Live Loudest at the Budokan '91 (2009) Live paling keras di '91 Budokan (2009)
[ edit ] Compilations [ sunting ] Kompilasi
- Never Stay Here, Never Forget You (1986) Jangan Disini, Jangan Lupakan Anda (1986)
- Early Singles (1989) Awal Jomblo (1989)
- A Lesson In Loudness (1989) Sebuah Pelajaran Dalam Loudness (1989)
- Loudest (1991) Paling keras (1991)
- Loudest Ballads (1991) Paling keras Ballads (1991)
- Loud 'N' Rare (1991) Loud 'N' Langka (1991)
- Best Songs (1995) Best Songs (1995)
- Masters of Loudness (1996) Masters of Loudness (1996)
- Very Best of Loudness (1997) Sangat Terbaik Loudness (1997)
- Best of Loudness 8688: Atlantic Years (2001) Best of Loudness 8688: Atlantik Tahun (2001)
- Re-Masterpieces (2002) Re-Karya (2002)
- RockShocks (2004) RockShocks (2004)
- The Best of Reunion (2005) The Best of Reunion (2005)
- Loudness Complete Box (2007) Kenyaringan Lengkap Box (2007)
[ edit ] Singles [ sunting ] Singles
- " Burning Love " (1982) [ 28 ] " Burning Love "(1982) [28]
- "Geraldine" (1983) "Geraldine" (1983)
- "Road Racer" (1983) "Road Racer" (1983)
- "Road Racer" (1983) - English version "Road Racer" (1983) - versi bahasa Inggris
- "Milky Way" (1984) "Milky Way" (1984)
- "Gotta Fight" (1985) "Gotta Fight" (1985)
- "Crazy Nights" (1985) "Crazy Nights" (1985)
- "Let It Go" (1986) "Let It Go" (1986)
- "Let It Go" (1986) - English version "Let It Go" (1986) - versi bahasa Inggris
- "Risky Woman" (1986) "Risky Woman" (1986)
- "So Lonely" (1987) "Jadi Lonely" (1987)
- "Long Distance Love" (1987) "Cinta Jarak Jauh" (1987)
- "Dreamer & Screamer" (1989) "Dreamer & Screamer" (1989)
- "You Shook Me" (1989) "Kau Shook Me" (1989)
- "Down 'n' Dirty" (1989) "'N' Down Dirty" (1989)
- "In the Mirror" (1991) "Dalam Cermin" (1991)
- "Black Widow" (1992) "Black Widow" (1992)
- "Slaughter House" (1992) "Rumah Potong Hewan" (1992)
- "Electric Kisses" (1994) "Electric Kisses" (1994)
- "Crazy Samurai" (2004) "Crazy Samurai" (2004)
- "The Battleship Musashi" (2005) "The Battleship Musashi" (2005)
- "Shadows Of War (Ashes in The Sky)" "Shadows Of War (Abu di Langit)"
- "The Eternal Soldiers" (2010) "The Eternal Soldiers" (2010)
[ edit ] Related works [ sunting ] karya Terkait
- Messiah's Blessing (1982) - Misako Honjou Mesias's Blessing (1982) - Honjou Misako
- 13th (1983) - Misako Honjou 13 (1983) - Honjou Misako
- Metal Vibes (2002) Logam Vibes (2002)
- #128 (2006) # 128 (2006)
- Ashes To Glory (2006) Abu Untuk Glory (2006)
- Drum Collection Vol. Koleksi Drum Vol. 001 (2006) 001 (2006)
[ edit ] Videography [ edit ] Videography
[ edit ] VHS [ sunting ] VHS
- Live-Loud-Alive: Loudness in Tokyo (1983) Live-Loud-Alive: Loudness di Tokyo (1983)
- Eurobounds (1984) Eurobounds (1984)
- Live in Tokyo - Lightning Strikes (1986) Tinggal di Tokyo - Lightning Strikes (1986)
- Video Loudest (1991) Video paling keras (1991)
- Black Widow - Once and for All (1992) Black Widow - Sekali dan untuk Semua (1992)
- Welcome to the Slaughterhouse (1992) Selamat datang di Rumah Potong (1992)
- The Soldier's Just Came Back - Live Best (2001) The Soldier's Just Came Back - Live Best (2001)
- Loudness Live: Loudness Presents Loud'n Fest Vol.1 at Club Citta (2002) - Official bootleg, series 1 Kenyaringan Live: Loudness Presents Loud'n Fest Vol.1 di Club Citta (2002) - bajakan Resmi, seri 1
[ edit ] DVD [ sunting ] DVD
- 20th Anniversary Pandemonium Tour: Live @ NHK Hall 2001.11.25 (2002) 20th Anniversary Tour Pandemonium: Live @ NHK Hall 2001/11/25 (2002)
- Live Biosphere (2003) Live Biosphere (2003)
- Loudness Live Terror 2004 (2004) Live Loudness Teror 2004 (2004)
- Rock-Shocking the Nation (2005) Shocking Rock-Bangsa (2005)
- Loudness Live in Germany - limited edition (2005) Kenyaringan Live di Jerman - edisi terbatas (2005)
- Loudness Live in Seoul (2005) - Official bootleg, series 2 Kenyaringan Live di Seoul (2005) - bajakan Resmi, seri 2
- Loudness in America '06 (2006) Loudness di Amerika '06 (2006)
- Thanks 25th Anniversary: Loudness Live at International Forum (2006) Terima kasih 25th Anniversary: Live Loudness di Forum Internasional (2006)
- Liveshocks 2008 (2008) - Official bootleg, series 3 Liveshocks 2008 (2008) - bajakan resmi, seri 3
- The Legend of Loudness - Live Complete Best (2008) The Legend of Loudness - Live Lengkap Terbaik (2008)
- Munetaka Higuchi Forever Our Hero (2009) Munetaka Higuchi Forever Hero kami (2009)
- Classic Loudness Live 2009 Japan Tour the Birthday Eve - Thunder In The East (2010) Kenyaringan Classic Live 2009 Tour Jepang Hawa Ulang tahun - Thunder In The East (2010)
[ edit ] References [ sunting ] Referensi
- ^ a b c Yang Jeff, Dina Can, Terry Hong (1997). Eastern Standard Time . ^ a b c Jeff Yang, Dina Bisa, Terry Hong (1997) Standar Waktu Timur.. New York: Mariner Books. New York: Mariner Books. pp. 264. ISBN 0-395-76341-X . 264 hlm. ISBN 0-395-76341-X .
- ^ a b c Cahoon, Keith (19 November 2004). "Loudness" . ^ a b c Cahoon, Keith (19 November 2004). "Loudness" . . . . Retrieved 21 September 2007 . Diakses 21 September 2007.
- ^ Putterford, Mark (8 January 1987). ^ Putterford, Mark (8 Januari 1987). "Vow Wow interview". Kerrang! no. "Sumpah Wow wawancara". Kerrang! no. 137 : pp. 17. 137: pp 17.
- ^ a b "Allmusic's Loudness Profile " . . ^ a b "Allmusic's Kenyaringan Profile" . . Retrieved 21 September 2007 . Diakses 21 September 2007.
- ^ a b c d e f "Loudness Special" (in Italian). ^ a b c d e f "Loudness Khusus" (dalam bahasa Italia). Musica Musica 2004 . . 2004. . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ a b "Loudness Biography" . ^ a b "Loudness Biografi" . 2005 . . 2005. . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ a b c "Akira Takasaki Profile" . ^ a b c "Akira Takasaki Profil" . 28 May 2008 . . 28 Mei 2008. . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ a b Waters, Scott (2006). "Loudness Discography" . . ^ a b Waters, Scott (2006). "Loudness Diskografi" . . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ ^ # / album/loudness/thunder-in-the-east/10735
- ^ ^ # / album/loudness/lightning-strikes/10736
- ^ Putterford, Mark (26 June 1986). ^ Putterford, Mark (26 Juni 1986). "”Lightning Strikes” review". Kerrang! no. "" Lightning Strikes "review". Kerrang! no. 123 : pp. 10. 123: pp 10.
- ^ Rivadavia, Eduardo. ""Lightning Strikes" review" . ^ Rivadavia, Eduardo. "" Lightning Strikes "review" . . . . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ "Grunge Genre" . ^ "Grunge Genre" . . . . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ Rivadavia, Eduardo. ""Loudness" review" . ^ Rivadavia, Eduardo. "" Loudness "review" . . . . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ Rivadavia, Eduardo. ""Heavy Metal Hippies" review" . ^ Rivadavia, Eduardo. "" Heavy Metal Hippie "review" . . . . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ a b "Loudness Biography" (in Italian). ^ a b "Loudness Biography" (dalam bahasa Italia). 2004 . . 2004. . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ Cahoon, Keith (2008). "Loudness Biography" . Drakkar Entertainment . . ^ Cahoon, Keith (2008). "Loudness Biografi" . Drakkar Entertainment . . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ "Minoru Niihara interview" . ^ "Minoru Niihara wawancara" . 28 February 2006 . . 28 Februari 2006. . Retrieved 5 March 2010 . Diakses 5 Maret 2010.
- ^ ""RockShocks" review" . ^ "" RockShocks "review" . 2 July 2006 . . 2 Juli 2006. . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ ""Biosphere" review" . ^ "" Biosfer "review" . 21 January 2003 . . 21 Januari 2003. . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ "Munetaka Higuchi (Loudness drummer) diagnosed with liver cancer" . ^ "Munetaka Higuchi (Loudness drummer) didiagnosis dengan kanker hati" . Pearl Drums. Pearl Drums. 17 April 2008 . . 17 April 2008. . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ "Loudness Drummer Munetaka Higuchi Dead At 49" . . Roadrunner Records . ^ "Drummer Loudness Munetaka Higuchi Mati Di 49" . . Records Roadrunner . 30 November 2008 . . 30 November 2008. . Retrieved 22 July 2010 . Diakses 22 Juli 2010.
- ^ "Munetaka Higuchi Necrology" . ^ "Munetaka Higuchi daftar kematian" . 30 November 2008 . . 30 November 2008. . Retrieved 30 November 2008 . Diakses 30 November 2008.
- ^ Oz, Diamond (16 January 2009). "Loudness To Record A New Studio Album" . . ^ Oz, Diamond (16 Januari 2009). "Loudness Untuk Rekaman Album Baru Studio" . . Retrieved 5 February 2009 . Diakses 5 Februari 2009.
- ^ "Classic Loudness Live 2009" . . ^ "Classic Kenyaringan Live 2009" . . Retrieved 23 February 2010 . Diakses 23 Februari 2010.
- ^ "Loudness To Release 'King Of Pain' In May" . . Roadrunner Records . ^ "Loudness Untuk 'Release' King Of Pain Pada bulan Mei" . . Records Roadrunner . 4 March 2010 . . 4 Maret 2010. . Retrieved 22 July 2010 . Diakses 22 Juli 2010.
- ^ "Loudness: European Tour Dates Announced" . . Roadrunner Records . ^ "Loudness: Tanggal European Tour mengumumkan" . . Records Roadrunner . 13 January 2010 . . 13 Januari 2010. . Retrieved 22 July 2010 . Diakses 22 Juli 2010.
- ^ "Loudness Discography" . ^ "Loudness Diskografi" . Lightning Strikes Loudly. Lightning Strikes keras. 27 May 2007 . . 27 Mei 2007. . Retrieved 5 April 2010 . Diakses 5 April 2010.
[ edit ] External links [ sunting ] Pranala luar
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Loudness Wikimedia Commons memiliki kategori mengenai: Loudness |
- Loudness Official Homepage (Japanese) Situs resmi Loudness (Jepang)
- Loudness Loudness
- Loudness' page on MySpace Kenyaringan 'halaman di MySpace
Categories : Japanese heavy metal musical groups | Japanese rock music groups | Musical quartets | 1980s music groups | 1990s music groups | 2000s music groups | 2010s music groups | Musical groups established in 1981 Kategori : Jepang musikal kelompok logam berat | kelompok musik rock Jepang | kuartet Musical | kelompok musik 1980 | 1990-an kelompok musik | 2000-an kelompok musik | 2010-an kelompok musik | Grup musik yang didirikan pada tahun 1981
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