Kansas (band)
kansas | |
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Background information Informasi latar belakang | |
Origin Asal | Topeka, Kansas , United States Topeka, Kansas , Amerika Serikat |
Genres Genre | Progressive rock , hard rock Progressive rock , hard rock |
Years active Tahun aktif | 1970–present 1970-sekarang |
Labels Label | Kirshner , MCA , Magna Carta Kirshner , MCA , Magna Carta |
Associated acts Asosiasi bertindak | Proto-Kaw , Streets , AD , Seventh Key, Native Window Proto-Kaw , Streets , AD , Key Ketujuh, Window Bahasa |
Website Website | www.kansasband.com www.kansasband.com |
Members Anggota | |
Phil Ehart Phil Ehart Billy Greer Billy Greer Rich Williams Williams Rich Steve Walsh Steve Walsh David Ragsdale David Ragsdale | |
Past members Lalu anggota | |
Robby Steinhardt Robby Steinhardt Dave Hope Dave Harapan Kerry Livgren Kerry Livgren John Elefante John Elefante Steve Morse Steve Morse Warren Ham (tour only) Warren Ham (tur saja) Emilio Gómez Emilio Gómez |
Contents Isi[hide] |
[ edit ] History [ sunting ] Sejarah
[ edit ] 1970–1973: Early years [ sunting ] 1970-1973: Awal tahun
Dave Hope (bass), Phil Ehart (drums, percussion), and Kerry Livgren (guitars, keyboards, synthesizers) formed a progressive rock group in 1970 in their hometown of Topeka, Kansas (Steve Walsh is from St. Joseph , Missouri ), along with vocalist Lynn Meredith from Manhattan, Kansas , keyboardist Don Montre, keyboardist Dan Wright , and saxophonist Larry Baker. [ 1 ] Dave Hope (bass), Phil Ehart (drum, perkusi), dan Kerry Livgren (gitar, keyboard, synthesizer) membentuk rock progresif kelompok pada tahun 1970 di kampung halaman mereka dari Topeka, Kansas (Steve Walsh adalah dari St Joseph , Missouri ), bersama dengan vokalis Lynn Meredith dari Manhattan, Kansas , kibor Don Montre, keyboardist Dan Wright , dan pemain saksofon Larry Baker. [1]A year earlier, Meredith, Montre, Wright and Livgren were performing in a band called The Reasons Why. tahun sebelumnya, Meredith, Montre, Wright dan Livgren sedang melakukan di sebuah band bernama The Alasan Mengapa. After changing the band's name to Saratoga, they started playing Livgren's original material with Scott Kessler playing bass and Zeke Lowe on drums. Setelah mengubah nama band untuk Saratoga, mereka mulai bermain bahan asli Livgren dengan Scott Kessler bermain bass dan Zeke Lowe pada drum. In 1970, they changed the band's name again to Kansas and merged with members of rival Topeka progressive rock outfit White Clover. Pada tahun 1970, mereka mengganti nama band lagi ke Kansas dan bergabung dengan anggota dari saingan Topeka progressive rock pakaian White Clover. This early Kansas group, which lasted until 1971 when Ehart and Hope and some of the others left to reform White Clover, is sometimes referred to as Kansas I. Kansas ini kelompok awal, yang berlangsung sampai tahun 1971 ketika Ehart dan Hope dan beberapa yang lain kiri untuk reformasi White Clover, kadang-kadang disebut sebagai Kansas I.
Ehart was replaced by Zeke Lowe and later Brad Schulz, Hope was replaced by Rod Mikinski on bass, and Baker was replaced by John Bolton on saxophone and flute. Ehart digantikan oleh Zeke Lowe dan kemudian Brad Schulz, Harapan digantikan oleh Rod Mikinski pada bass, dan Baker digantikan oleh John Bolton pada saksofon dan suling. (This lineup is sometimes referred to as Kansas II, and 30 years later would re-form under the name Proto-Kaw .) In 1972, after Ehart returned from England (where he had gone to look for other musicians), he and Hope once again reformed White Clover with Robby Steinhardt (vocals, violin, viola, cello), Steve Walsh (vocals, keyboards, synthesizers, percussion) and Rich Williams (guitars). (Lineup ini kadang-kadang disebut sebagai Kansas II, dan 30 tahun kemudian akan kembali formulir dengan nama Proto-Kaw .) Pada tahun 1972, setelah Ehart kembali dari Inggris (di mana ia pergi untuk mencari musisi lain), ia dan Harapan sekali lagi direformasi White Clover dengan Robby Steinhardt (vokal, biola, viola, cello), Steve Walsh (vokal, keyboard, synthesizer, perkusi) dan Kaya Williams (gitar). In 1973 they recruited Livgren from the second Kansas group, which then folded. [ 2 ] Eventually they received a recording contract with Don Kirshner 's eponymous label and decided to adopt the Kansas name. Pada tahun 1973 mereka direkrut Livgren dari Kansas kelompok kedua, yang kemudian dilipat. [2] Akhirnya mereka menerima kontrak rekaman dengan Don Kirshner 's label eponymous dan memutuskan untuk mengadopsi nama Kansas.
[ edit ] 1974–1979: Rise to national prominence [ sunting ] 1974-1979: Naik untuk menonjol nasional
The debut album, Kansas , was released in March 1974, nearly a year after it was recorded in New York. Album debut, Kansas , dirilis pada Maret 1974, hampir setahun setelah tercatat di New York. It defined the band's signature sound, a mix of American-style boogie-rock and complex, symphonic arrangements with changing time signatures. Ini pasti suara tanda tangan band, campuran gaya Amerika rock boogie-dan kompleks, pengaturan simfoni dengan mengubah tanda tangan waktu. Steinhardt's violin was a distinctive element of the group's sound and set them apart from other progressive rock groups of the era. biola Steinhardt adalah elemen khas suara kelompok dan membedakan mereka dari kelompok-kelompok progressive rock era. The band slowly developed a cult following, due to promotion by Kirshner and extensive touring for the debut album and its two follow-ups, Song for America and Masque . Band ini perlahan-lahan dikembangkan kultus berikutnya, karena promosi oleh Kirshner dan tur intensif untuk album debut dan dua tindak-up, Song untuk Amerika dan Masjid .Kansas released its fourth album, Leftoverture , in November 1976, which produced a hit single, " Carry On Wayward Son ", in 1977. Kansas merilis album keempat, Leftoverture , pada bulan November 1976, yang menghasilkan hit single, " Carry On patuh Anak ", pada tahun 1977. The follow-up, Point of Know Return , released in October 1977, featured the title track and " Dust in the Wind ," both hit singles. Tindak lanjut, Point of Return Tahu , dirilis pada bulan Oktober 1977, menampilkan judul lagu dan " Dust in the Wind , "hit single kedua.
Leftoverture and Point each sold over four million copies in the US Both "Carry On Wayward Son" and "Dust in the Wind" were certified gold singles , selling over one million units each. Leftoverture dan Point masing-masing terjual lebih dari empat juta kopi di Amerika Serikat Kedua "Carry On patuh Anak" dan "Dust in the Wind" telah disertifikasi single emas , menjual lebih dari satu juta unit masing-masing. "Dust in the Wind" was certified gold as a digital download by the RIAA in 2005, almost 30 years after selling one million copies as a single. "Debu in the Wind" bersertifikat emas sebagai download digital oleh RIAA pada tahun 2005, hampir 30 tahun setelah menjual satu juta eksemplar sebagai single. Leftoverture was certified five times platinum by the RIAA in 2001. Leftoverture bersertifikat lima kali platinum oleh RIAA pada tahun 2001.
During this period, Kansas became a major headlining act and sold out the largest venues available to rock bands at the time, including New York 's Madison Square Garden . Selama periode ini, Kansas menjadi tindakan headlining utama dan dijual keluar tempat terbesar yang tersedia untuk band-band rock pada saat itu, termasuk New York 's Madison Square Garden . The band documented this era in 1978 with Two for the Show , a double live album of recordings from various performances from its 1977 and 1978 tours. Band ini didokumentasikan era ini pada tahun 1978 dengan Dua untuk Show , sebuah double album live rekaman dari berbagai pertunjukan dari tahun 1978 yang 1977 dan wisata. The band gained a solid reputation for faithful live reproduction of their studio recordings. Band ini mendapatkan reputasi yang solid untuk reproduksi hidup setia rekaman studio mereka. In 1978 the band was named UNICEF Deputy Ambassadors of Goodwill . [ 3 ] Pada tahun 1978 band ini bernama UNICEF Wakil Duta Goodwill . [3]
The follow-up studio album to Point of Know Return was Monolith (1979), which, like the live album, was self-produced. Ini tindak lanjut-studio album Mengenal Kembali Point Monolith (1979), yang, seperti album live, itu sendiri dihasilkan. While the album produced a Top 40 single in "People of the South Wind"--the title refers to the meaning of the Kaw word 'Kansas'--it failed to garner the sales and radio airplay of its two predecessors. Sementara album menghasilkan Top 40 tunggal dalam "Orang-orang dari Angin Selatan" - judul mengacu pada arti Kaw kata 'Kansas' - ia gagal mengumpulkan penjualan dan penyiaran radio dari dua pendahulunya. Nevertheless, the album went platinum. Namun demikian, album platinum pergi. Kerry Livgren's platinum award for the album is on display at the Kansas History Museum [ 4 ] Kerry's platinum Livgren penghargaan untuk album ini dipajang di Museum Sejarah Kansas [4]
[ edit ] 1980–1984: Creative tensions [ sunting ] 1980-1984: ketegangan Kreatif
Kansas guitarist Steve Morse Kansas gitaris Steve Morse
Kansas' first album with Elefante, Vinyl Confessions , released in May 1982, was their most successful studio release since Point of Know Return. The record renewed interest in the group and generated the band's first Top 20 hit in several years, " Play the Game Tonight ." album pertama 'Kansas dengan Elefante, Vinyl Confessions , dirilis pada bulan Mei 1982, adalah studio mereka yang paling sukses rilis sejak Point Mengenal Kembali dan. catatan baru Bunga dalam kelompok yang dihasilkan pertama Top band 20 hit dalam beberapa tahun, " Play Game Malam ini . " The album's overtly Christian lyrics attracted an entirely new audience. lyrics album terang-terangan Kristen menarik audiens yang sama sekali baru. Still, sales of the album fell short of gold status, and the album has yet to be certified gold. Namun, penjualan album jatuh pendek status emas, dan album belum emas bersertifikat.
Drastic Measures followed in 1983. Tindakan drastis diikuti pada tahun 1983. Because Livgren was holding back some Christian-oriented songs for another solo album, he contributed only three songs to the album. Karena Livgren sedang menahan beberapa lagu Kristen yang berorientasi untuk membuat album solo, ia memberikan kontribusi hanya tiga lagu untuk album. The rest were penned by the Elefante brothers, and without the violin of Steinhardt (who left the group before the recording sessions), the result was a more mainstream pop-rock album. Sisanya ditulis oleh saudara Elefante, dan tanpa biola dari Steinhardt (yang meninggalkan grup sebelum sesi rekaman), hasilnya adalah sebuah album pop-rock lebih utama. The single, "Fight Fire with Fire," did not crack the Top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 but reached #3 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart, making it the highest chart position of any Kansas release on any chart. The, single "Fight Fire dengan Fire," tidak retak Top 40 di Billboard Hot 100 tetapi mencapai # 3 di chart Mainstream Rock Billboard, sehingga posisi chart tertinggi dari setiap rilis Kansas pada tabel apapun.
During the band's time with Elefante as lead vocalist, Livgren became increasingly uncomfortable with Kansas representing his Christian worldview. Selama ini band dengan Elefante sebagai vokalis, Livgren menjadi semakin tidak nyaman dengan Kansas yang mewakili pandangan dunia Kristen-nya. After a final New Year's Eve performance on December 31, 1983, Livgren and Hope left to form AD with former Bloodrock member Warren Ham , who had toured as a sideman with Kansas in 1982, and Michael Gleason , who had done the same in 1983. Setelah New Eve Tahun pertunjukan terakhir yang pada tanggal 31 Desember 1983, Livgren dan Harapan kiri untuk membentuk AD dengan mantan Bloodrock anggota Warren Ham , yang telah melakukan tur sebagai sideman dengan Kansas tahun 1982, dan Michael Gleason , yang telah melakukan hal yang sama pada tahun 1983. They were joined by drummer Dennis Holt. Mereka bergabung dengan drummer Dennis Holt. Elefante, Ehart, and Williams sought to continue as Kansas, and recorded one more song, "Perfect Lover," which appeared on the retrospective The Best of Kansas (1984). Elefante, Ehart, dan Williams berusaha untuk terus sebagai Kansas, dan merekam satu lagu lagi, "Perfect Lover," yang muncul di retrospektif The Best of Kansas (1984). That was to be the final Kansas recording with Elefante, and the group disbanded after its release. Itu sudah bisa rekaman Kansas terakhir dengan Elefante, dan kelompok dibubarkan setelah rilis. Since leaving Kansas, Elefante has become a popular contemporary Christian music artist but has never again performed with the group. Sejak meninggalkan Kansas, Elefante telah menjadi populer Kristen musik kontemporer seniman tetapi tidak pernah lagi dilakukan dengan kelompok.
[ edit ] 1985–present: Reformation and touring [ sunting ] 1985-sekarang: Reformasi dan tur
In 1985 the band came back together with Walsh, but without Livgren, Hope or Steinhardt. [ 1 ] The new line-up included bassist Billy Greer (of Streets) and guitarist Steve Morse (formerly of the Dixie Dregs ). Pada tahun 1985 band ini datang kembali bersama-sama dengan Walsh, tetapi tanpa Livgren, Hope atau Steinhardt. [1] The line-up termasuk bassist baru Billy Greer (dari Jalan) dan gitaris Steve Morse (sebelumnya dari Dixie Dregs ). The re-formed band released Power in November 1986. The-membentuk band kembali merilis Power pada bulan November 1986. The first single, "All I Wanted," became the last Kansas single to hit the Billboard Top 40 chart, peaking at #19. [ 1 ] . Single pertama, "Yang saya Wanted," menjadi Kansas tunggal terakhir untuk memukul Billboard Top 40 chart, memuncak pada # 19. [1] . Two more singles, the title track and "Can't Cry Anymore," were less successful. Dua single, judul lagu dan "Tidak bisa Cry Anymore," kurang berhasil. The new lineup released a second album, In the Spirit of Things , in 1988, but it was met with weak sales and Morse left the band at the end of the tour in 1989. Lineup baru merilis album kedua, Dalam Roh Things , pada tahun 1988, tapi itu bertemu dengan penjualan lemah dan Morse meninggalkan band pada akhir tur pada tahun 1989.In 1990, a German promoter arranged to reunite all the original members of Kansas III (except for Steinhardt) for a European tour. Pada tahun 1990, seorang promotor Jerman diatur untuk menyatukan kembali semua anggota asli Kansas III (kecuali untuk Steinhardt) untuk tur Eropa. Greer joined them, along with keyboardist Greg Robert, who had first joined Kansas on tour in 1986. Greer bergabung dengan mereka, bersama dengan keyboardist Greg Robert, yang sudah terlebih dahulu bergabung Kansas tur pada tahun 1986. At the end of the tour, Hope left again, but Livgren remained on into 1991. Pada akhir perjalanan, Hope kiri lagi, tapi Livgren tetap masuk ke 1991. That year, violinist David Ragsdale joined the group and the return of the violin allowed Kansas to perform earlier material in arrangements closer to the originals. Tahun itu, pemain biola David Ragsdale bergabung dengan grup dan kembalinya biola Kansas diperbolehkan untuk melakukan materi sebelumnya dalam pengaturan lebih dekat dengan aslinya. Livgren left during the 1991 tour, to be replaced temporarily by Steve Morse again. Livgren kiri selama tur 1991, untuk sementara digantikan oleh Steve Morse lagi. After the tour, Morse left and Ragsdale took over the extra guitar parts, leaving Williams as the primary guitar player. Setelah tur, Morse kiri dan Ragsdale mengambil alih bagian-bagian gitar tambahan, meninggalkan Williams sebagai pemain gitar utama. The resulting lineup of Ehart, Greer, Ragsdale, Robert, Walsh, and Williams lasted from 1991 to 1997. Jajaran dihasilkan Ehart, Greer, Ragsdale, Robert, Walsh, dan Williams berlangsung 1991-1997. This period saw one live album and accompanying video, Live at the Whisky (1992) and one studio album Freaks of Nature (1995). Periode ini melihat satu album live dan video yang menyertainya, Live di Whisky (1992) dan satu album studio Freaks of Nature (1995). On July 28, 1996, Kansas was inducted into the Rock Walk of Fame in Hollywood. Pada tanggal 28 Juli 1996, Kansas dinobatkan ke Rock Walk of Fame di Hollywood.
In early 1997, Robert and Ragsdale left the band and Steinhardt returned. Pada awal 1997, Robert dan Ragsdale meninggalkan band dan Steinhardt kembali. The following year Kansas released Always Never the Same , which featured Larry Baird conducting the London Symphony Orchestra . Berikut Kansas Tahun dirilis Selalu Pernah Sama , yang menampilkan Larry Baird melakukan London Symphony Orchestra . The album was a mix of older Kansas material (with new arrangements by Baird), several new songs, and a cover of " Eleanor Rigby ". Somewhere to Elsewhere , released in July 2000, featured all the original members of Kansas, plus Greer, with all songs written by Livgren. Album ini campuran bahan Kansas yang lebih tua (dengan pengaturan baru oleh Baird), beberapa lagu baru, dan penutup dari " Eleanor Rigby ". Di suatu tempat ke tempat lain , dirilis pada bulan Juli 2000, menampilkan semua anggota asli Kansas, ditambah Greer, dengan semua lagu ditulis oleh Livgren.
In 2000 Kansas was the opening act for Yes during their "Masterworks" tour. Pada tahun 2000 Kansas adalah pembuka untuk Ya selama "Masterworks" tur mereka. In 2002, Kansas II (the lineup prior to the recording and release of Kansas' first album) released an album under the group name Proto-Kaw , featuring demos and live material recorded from 1971 to 1973. Pada tahun 2002, Kansas II (lineup sebelum rekaman dan rilis album pertama 'Kansas) merilis album dengan nama kelompok Proto-Kaw , menampilkan demo dan material live yang direkam 1971-1973. This led to a new studio album, Before Became After (2004), with most of the Kansas II members participating. Hal ini menyebabkan sebuah album studio baru, Sebelum Jadi Setelah (2004), dengan sebagian besar anggota II Kansas berpartisipasi. Proto-Kaw released a third album, The Wait of Glory , in 2006. Proto-Kaw merilis album ketiga, The Tunggu Kemuliaan , pada tahun 2006.
Kansas has continued to tour every year. Kansas terus tur setiap tahun. The 2006 tour was delayed for a few weeks due to Steinhardt's second departure, [ 5 ] and Ragsdale subsequently returned to the lineup. Tur 2006 adalah tertunda selama beberapa minggu karena kedua keberangkatan's Steinhardt, [5] dan Ragsdale kemudian kembali ke lineup. In 2008, the Kansas website announced that four of the five current members (Ehart, Ragsdale, Williams and Greer) had formed a recording group called Native Window , and they released their self-titled debut album in June 2009. Pada tahun 2008, website Kansas mengumumkan bahwa empat dari lima anggota saat ini (Ehart, Ragsdale, Williams dan Greer) telah membentuk sebuah kelompok yang disebut rekaman asli Window , dan mereka merilis album debut berjudul-diri mereka pada bulan Juni 2009.
In February 2009, Kansas recorded a concert in Topeka, Kansas featuring a full symphony orchestra, with Larry Baird conducting. Pada bulan Februari 2009, Kansas mencatat konser di Topeka, Kansas menampilkan orkestra simfoni penuh, dengan Larry Baird melakukan. Morse and Livgren appeared as special guests on several songs. Morse dan Livgren muncul sebagai tamu khusus pada beberapa lagu. The performance was released on CD and DVD, and the DVD hit #5 on Billboard' s Music Video Chart the week after its release. Kinerja dirilis pada CD dan DVD, dan DVD tekan # 5 di Billboard 's Music Video Chart seminggu setelah rilis.
As of July 13, 2010, Kansas had recently completed a 30-day "United We Rock" tour with fellow classic rock legends Styx and Foreigner. Pada 13 Juli 2010, Kansas baru saja menyelesaikan 30-hari "United We Rock" tur dengan sesama legenda rock klasik Styx dan Foreigner.
Kansas will be touring September of 2010 to January 2011. Kansas akan tur bulan September 2010 sampai Januari 2011. They will be performing with Symphonies of various colleges around the US in an effort to raise money for the individual schools' music programs. Mereka akan tampil dengan Symphonies dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di seluruh Amerika Serikat dalam upaya untuk mengumpulkan uang untuk program musik sekolah masing-masing. The final show of the series, on January 28th, 2011, is to be performed at McCain Auditorium on the campus of Kansas State University to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the state of Kansas being granted statehood. Menunjukkan akhir seri, pada tanggal 28 Januari 2011, harus dilakukan pada McCain Auditorium di kampus Kansas State University untuk memperingati ulang tahun ke 150 negara dari Kansas yang diberikan kenegaraan. The concert will be filmed by PBS to be used in a future broadcast special in the region. konser ini akan direkam oleh PBS untuk digunakan dalam siaran masa depan khusus di wilayah tersebut.
[ edit ] Influence [ sunting ] Pengaruh
Kansas' two most popular songs, "Carry On Wayward Son" and "Dust in the Wind," have been covered by other artists and featured in film and television soundtracks. dua Kansas 'lagu yang paling populer, "Carry On patuh Anak" dan "Dust in the Wind," telah dilindungi dengan seniman lain dan ditampilkan dalam soundtrack film dan televisi. "Carry On Wayward Son" was covered by Critical Mass , Dream Theater , The Showdown , Stryper , Yngwie Malmsteen , Rachel Rachel , The Oak Ridge Boys , and an off-the-cuff live version by the Foo Fighters . "Carry On patuh Anak" ditutupi oleh Massa Kritis , Dream Theater , The Showdown , Stryper , Yngwie Malmsteen , Rachel Rachel , The Oak Ridge Boys , dan off-the-spontan versi live oleh Foo Fighters . The song has appeared on soundtracks for the movies Heroes , Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy and Happy Gilmore . Lagu ini telah muncul di soundtrack untuk film Heroes, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy dan Happy Gilmore . On television it has been featured in South Park ( "Guitar Queer-o" episode ), Strangers with Candy ("Yes You Can't"), Supernatural (during the intro for each season finale), and Scrubs (an episode in season 8). Di televisi itu telah ditampilkan dalam South Park ( "Guitar Queer-o" episode ), Strangers dengan Candy ("Ya Anda Tidak Bisa"), Supernatural (selama intro untuk setiap akhir season), dan Scrubs (sebuah episode di musim 8). It was also featured in the Guitar Hero II , Guitar Hero Smash Hits , Rock Band 2 and Rock Band Unplugged video games. Hal itu juga muncul dalam Guitar Hero II , Guitar Hero Smash Hit , Rock Band 2 dan Rock Band Unplugged video game."Dust in the Wind" has been covered by Sarah Brightman , Scorpions ( Acoustica , 2001), Christian artists Billy Smiley and Acappella, former New York Yankees center fielder and jazz guitarist Bernie Williams ( The Journey Within , 2004), and ex-Kansas lead singer John Elefante (2006). "Debu in the Wind" telah ditutupi oleh Sarah Brightman , Scorpions ( Acoustica , 2001), seniman Christian Billy Smiley dan Acappella, mantan New York Yankees Fielder pusat dan gitaris jazz Bernie Williams ( Perjalanan Dalam , 2004), dan mantan-Kansas vokalis John Elefante (2006). It was prominently featured in several episodes of the television series Highlander and was referenced in the film Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure . Itu jelas ditampilkan dalam beberapa episode seri televisi Highlander dan direferensikan dalam film Bill dan Ted's Excellent Adventure . It gained additional exposure when used as the music for a Subaru commercial. Ini diperoleh paparan tambahan bila digunakan sebagai musik untuk Subaru komersial. It was also sung by actor/comedian Will Ferrell during a memorable scene in the movie Old School . Hal itu juga dinyanyikan oleh aktor / komedian Will Ferrell selama adegan mengesankan dalam film Old School .
Additional cover versions include "Point of Know Return" by Vanden Plas ( Beyond Daylight , 2002), "The Wall" by Lana Lane ( Covers Collection , 2003), and "Fight Fire with Fire" by Frost ( Raise Your First to Metal , 2003). versi cover tambahan termasuk "Point of Know Return" oleh Vanden Plas (Beyond Daylight, 2002), "The Wall" oleh Lana Lane (Meliputi Koleksi, 2003), dan "Fight Fire dengan Fire" oleh Frost (Naikkan Anda Pertama untuk Metal, 2003).
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