Edguy was founded in 1992 by 14-year-old students Tobias Sammet, Jens Ludwig, Dirk Sauer, and Dominik Storch. Edguy didirikan pada tahun 1992 oleh mahasiswa 14 tahun Tobias Sammet, Jens Ludwig, Dirk Sauer, dan Dominik Storch. The name "Edguy" was an affectionate epithet for Mr. Edgar Zimmerer, their math teacher at the time. Nama "Edguy" adalah julukan sayang untuk Mr Edgar Zimmerer, guru matematika mereka pada waktu itu.
After two demos the band received a contract with AFM Records in 1995. Setelah dua demo band ini menerima kontrak dengan AFM Records pada tahun 1995. Their first two albums were not very successful, but with Vain Glory Opera in 1998 they achieved a breakthrough, thanks in part to production (and additional lead guitar work) by Timo Tolkki of Stratovarius, as well as guest vocals by Hansi Kürsch of Blind Guardian. dua album pertama mereka tidak terlalu sukses, tapi dengan Vain Glory Opera pada tahun 1998 mereka mencapai terobosan, sebagian berkat produksi (dan gitar lead kerja tambahan) oleh Timo Tolkki dari Stratovarius, serta vokal tamu oleh Hansi Kürsch dari Blind Guardian . After another two albums they received a contract with the German label Nuclear Blast in 2004. Setelah dua album mereka menerima kontrak dengan label Nuclear Blast Jerman pada tahun 2004.
In 2001, Tobias Sammet released the first album of his side project Avantasia, a wide-scope metal opera including the participation of many well-known heavy metal musicians and vocalists. Pada tahun 2001, Tobias Sammet merilis album pertama proyek sisinya Avantasia, logam lebar lingkup opera termasuk partisipasi dari banyak musisi terkenal logam berat dan vokalis.
Since signing with Nuclear Blast, Edguy has released two full-length albums, followed by their latest, Tinnitus Sanctus , and has extended their contract for three more albums. Sejak penandatanganan dengan Nuclear Blast, Edguy telah merilis dua-length album penuh, diikuti oleh terbaru mereka, Tinnitus Sanctus, dan telah memperpanjang kontrak mereka untuk tiga album lagi.
Style Gaya
Edguy's lyrics are often metaphorical, alluding to metaphysical or social themes: conformity ("The Headless Game", "Mysteria", "King of Fools"), dictation by the church ("The Kingdom", "The Pride of Creation", "Theater of Salvation"), and dangers of modern civilization ("Navigator", "The Devil and the Savant"). lyrics Edguy's sering metaforis, mengacu kepada tema metafisik atau sosial: sesuai ("The Game Headless", "Mysteria", "King of Fools"), dikte oleh gereja ("Kingdom", "The Pride Penciptaan", " Theater Keselamatan "), dan bahaya dari peradaban modern (" Navigator "," The Devil dan Savant "). To express such themes, Edguy sometimes use esoteric and hermetic expressions. Untuk mengekspresikan tema tersebut, Edguy kadang menggunakan ekspresi esoteris dan kedap udara. Yet some of their songs are light-hearted or comedic ("Das Reh", "Save Us Now", "Lavatory Love Machine", "Life and Times of a Bonus Track", "Trinidad"). Namun beberapa lagu mereka yang ringan-hati atau komedi ("Das Reh", "Simpan Kami Sekarang", "Lavatory Love Machine", "Hidup dan Times dari Bonus Track", "Trinidad"). Edguy does not claim to represent any ideology; Tobias Sammet claimed " not political and we are not religious; at least there is no key message in our songs telling you what to think in terms of anything". Edguy tidak mengklaim untuk mewakili ideologi apapun; Tobias Sammet mengklaim "tidak politik dan kita tidak religius, setidaknya tidak ada pesan kunci dalam lagu-lagu kami memberitahu Anda apa yang harus berpikir dalam hal apa pun". Edguy also employs lengthy and epic sections in almost every album. Edguy juga menggunakan bagian panjang dan epik dalam hampir setiap album.
Hellfire Club revealed Edguy's interest in experimenting within music by integrating an orchestra into the production. Hellfire Club mengungkapkan Minat Edguy dalam bereksperimen dalam musik dengan mengintegrasikan sebuah orkestra ke dalam produksi. The album featured a variation on Edguy's style, with a less grandiose, more traditional heavy metal approach being embraced. Album ini menampilkan variasi pada gaya Edguy, dengan pendekatan, kurang lebih tradisional megah logam berat yang memeluk. The band's album, Rocket Ride , features even less symphonic and power metal elements, and is arguably more oriented towards hard rock. Album band, Rocket Ride, fitur yang lebih sedikit bahkan simfoni dan unsur logam kekuasaan, dan ini bisa dibilang lebih berorientasi pada hard rock. Their latest album, Tinnitus Sanctus , contains even more hard rock oriented songs, as the obvious lack of double bass drumming is evident, much unlike Edguy's old albums such as Vain Glory Opera. Album terbaru mereka, Tinnitus Sanctus, berisi bahkan hard rock lebih berorientasi lagu, sebagai kurang jelas double bass drum yang jelas, jauh berbeda dengan album's Edguy tua seperti Vain Glory Opera.
Line-up Line-up
Current members Anggota terkini
Tobias Sammet – vocals (1992-present) Tobias Sammet - vokal (1992-sekarang)
Jens Ludwig – lead guitar (1992-present) Jens Ludwig - lead guitar (1992-sekarang)
Dirk Sauer – rhythm guitar (1992-present) Dirk Sauer - rhythm guitar (1992-sekarang)
Tobias Exxel – bass guitar (1998-present) Tobias Exxel - gitar bass (1998-sekarang)
Felix Bohnke – drums (1998-present) Felix Bohnke - drum (1998-sekarang)
Former members Mantan anggota
Dominik Storch – drums (1992-97) Dominik Storch - drum (1992-1997)
Guest performers Tamu artis
Frank Lindenthal – drums (session musician) on Vain Glory Opera Frank Lindenthal - drum (sesi musisi) pada Vain Glory Opera
Andy Allendorfer – backing vocals on Vain Glory Opera Andy Allendorfer - backing vokal di Vain Glory Opera
Ralf Zdiarstek – backing vocals on Vain Glory Opera Ralf Zdiarstek - backing vokal di Vain Glory Opera
Hansi Kürsch – vocals on Vain Glory Opera Hansi Kürsch - vokal pada Vain Glory Opera
Timo Tolkki – guitar on Vain Glory Opera Timo Tolkki - gitar di Vain Glory Opera
Frank Tischer - piano on The Savage Poetry Frank Tischer - piano di The Savage Puisi
Markus Schmitt - backing vocals on The Savage Poetry Markus Schmitt - backing vokal di The Savage Puisi
Mille Petrozza - vocals on Hellfire Club Mille Petrozza - vokal di neraka Club
Michael Kiske - vocals on Superheroes Michael Kiske - vokal pada Superheroes
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