After recording two solo albums, former Deep Purple vocalist David Coverdale formed Whitesnake around 1977. Setelah merekam dua album solo, mantan vokalis Deep Purple David Coverdale Whitesnake dibentuk sekitar 1977. In the glut of hard rock and heavy metal bands of the late '70s, their first albums got somewhat lost in the shuffle, although they were fairly popular in Europe in Japan. Dalam kekenyangan hard rock dan band-band metal berat akhir 70-an, album pertama mereka mendapat agak hilang di shuffle, meskipun mereka cukup populer di Eropa di Jepang. During 1982, Coverdale took some time off, so he could take care of his sick daughter. Selama 1982, Coverdale mengambil waktu istirahat, sehingga ia bisa mengurus anak sakit. When he re-emerged with a new version of Whitesnake in 1984, the band sounded revitalized and energetic. Ketika dia kembali muncul dengan versi baru Whitesnake pada tahun 1984, band ini terdengar direvitalisasi dan energik.
Slide It In may have relied on Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple's old tricks, but the band had a knack for writing hooks; the record became their first platinum album. Slide It In mungkin harus mengandalkan Led Zeppelin dan trik lama Deep Purple, tapi band ini punya bakat untuk menulis kait; merekam menjadi album platinum pertama mereka. Three years later, Whitesnake released an eponymous album which was even better. Tiga tahun kemudian, Whitesnake merilis album eponymous yang lebih baik. Portions of the album were blatantly derivative — "Still of the Night" was a dead ringer for early Zeppelin — but the group could write powerful, heavy rockers like "Here I Go Again" that were driven as much by melody as riffs, as well as hit power ballads like "Is This Love." Bagian dari album ini terang-terangan derivatif - "Masih dari Night" adalah dering mati untuk Zeppelin awal - namun kelompok bisa menulis yang kuat, rocker berat seperti "Di sini saya Pergi Lagi" yang didorong sebanyak oleh melodi sebagai riff, serta sebagai balada daya hit seperti "Is This Love." Whitesnake was an enormous international success, selling over six million copies in the US alone. Whitesnake merupakan keberhasilan internasional besar, menjual lebih dari enam juta kopi di AS saja.
Before they recorded their follow-up, 1989's Slip of the Tongue, Coverdale again assembled a completely new version of the band, featuring guitar virtuoso Steve Vai. Sebelum mereka mencatat mereka tindak lanjut, Slip 1989 tentang Lidah, Coverdale lagi membentuk sebuah versi yang sama sekali baru dari band, yang menampilkan virtuoso gitar Steve Vai. Although the record went platinum, it was a considerable disappointment after the across-the-boards success of Whitesnake. Meskipun catatan pergi platinum, itu adalah kekecewaan besar setelah sukses-di-dewan Putih. Coverdale put Whitesnake on hiatus after that album. Menempatkan Coverdale Whitesnake hiatus setelah album itu. In 1993, he released a collaboration with former Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page that was surprisingly lackluster. Pada tahun 1993, ia merilis sebuah kolaborasi dengan mantan gitaris Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page yang mengejutkan loyo. The following year, Whitesnake released a greatest hits album and it seemed likely that Coverdale was going to form a new version of the band. Tahun berikutnya, Whitesnake merilis album greatest hits dan tampaknya mungkin bahwa Coverdale akan membentuk versi baru dari band. — Stephen Thomas Erlewine - Stephen Thomas Erlewine
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