The band members have often been noted for their hard-living lifestyles, and the persona they maintained. Para anggota band telah sering dicatat untuk keras-hidup gaya hidup mereka, dan persona mereka dipertahankan. All members have had numerous brushes with the law, spent time in jail, suffered from alcoholism, long addictions to drugs , had countless escapades with women, and are heavily tattooed. Semua anggota memiliki banyak sikat dengan hukum, menghabiskan waktu di penjara, menderita alkoholisme, kecanduan lama untuk obat , telah petualangan tak terhitung dengan perempuan, dan sangat bertato. Their ninth studio album, Saints of Los Angeles , was released on June 24, 2008, while a film adaptation of their best-selling autobiography, The Dirt , is due to be released in 2011. [ 3 ] album studio kesembilan mereka, Saints Los Angeles , dirilis pada tanggal 24 Juni 2008, sementara film adaptasi dari otobiografi terlaris mereka, The Dirt , karena akan dirilis pada tahun 2011. [3]
[ edit ] Band history [ sunting ] Sejarah Band
[ edit ] Formation and early years: 1981–1983 [ sunting ] Pembentukan dan awal tahun: 1981-1983
Mötley Crüe was formed on January 17, 1981 when bass guitarist Nikki Sixx left the band London and began rehearsing with drummer Tommy Lee and vocalist/guitarist Greg Leon . [ 4 ] Lee had worked previously with Leon in a band called Suite 19 [ 5 ] and the trio practiced together for some time with Leon eventually deciding not to continue. Mötley Crüe dibentuk pada tanggal 17 Januari 1981 ketika gitaris bass Nikki Sixx meninggalkan band London dan mulai berlatih dengan drummer Tommy Lee dan vokalis / gitaris Greg Leon . [4] Lee pernah bekerja sebelumnya dengan Leon dalam band bernama Suite 19 [5] dan ketiganya berlatih bersama selama beberapa waktu dengan Leon akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan. Nikki and Tommy then began a search for new members. Nikki dan Tommy kemudian mulai mencari anggota baru. Sixx and Lee soon met guitarist Bob "Mick Mars" Deal. Sixx dan Lee segera bertemu gitaris Bob "Mick Mars" Deal. Mars was quickly auditioned and subsequently hired by Sixx and Lee. Mars cepat mengikuti audisi dan kemudian dipekerjakan oleh Sixx dan Lee. Although a lead vocalist named O'Dean was auditioned, [ 6 ] [ 7 ] Lee had known Vince Neil from their high school days at Royal Oak High School in Covina, California and the two had performed in different bands on the garage band circuit. Meskipun sang vokalis bernama O'Dean adalah audisi, [6] [7] Lee sudah tahu Vince Neil dari sekolah tinggi hari-hari mereka di Royal Oak High School di Covina, California dan dua telah dilakukan di band yang berbeda pada band garasi sirkuit. On seeing him perform with the band Rock Candy at the Starwood in Hollywood, California, Mars suggested they have Neil join the band. Pada melihat dia tampil dengan band Rock Candy di Starwood di Hollywood, California, Mars menyarankan mereka telah Neil bergabung dengan band. At first Neil refused the offer, but as the other members of Rock Candy became involved in outside projects, Neil grew anxious to try something else. Pada Neil pertama menolak tawaran tersebut, tetapi sebagai anggota Rock Candy terlibat dalam proyek luar, Neil tumbuh ingin mencoba sesuatu yang lain. When Lee made one final appeal to audition, Neil accepted and was hired. Ketika Lee membuat satu banding terakhir untuk audisi, Neil diterima dan dipekerjakan. The newly formed band did not yet have a name. Band yang baru dibentuk belum memiliki nama. While trying to find a suitable name, Mars remembered an incident which occurred when he was playing with a band called White Horse, when one of the other band members called the group "a motley looking crew." Ketika mencoba untuk menemukan nama yang cocok, Mars teringat sebuah insiden yang terjadi ketika ia bermain dengan sebuah band bernama White Horse, ketika salah satu anggota band lain yang disebut kelompok "kru yang beraneka mencari." He had remembered the phrase and later copied it down as Mottley Cru-. Dia ingat ungkapan dan kemudian disalin ke bawah sebagai Mottley Cru-. After modifying the spelling slightly, "Mötley Crüe" was eventually selected as the band's name, with the stylistic decision suggested by Neil to add the two sets of metal umlauts supposedly inspired by the German beer Löwenbräu , which the members were drinking at the time. Setelah memodifikasi ejaan sedikit, "Mötley Crüe" akhirnya dipilih sebagai band nama, dengan keputusan gaya yang disarankan oleh Neil menambahkan dua set logam umlauts konon terinspirasi oleh Jerman bir Löwenbräu , dimana para anggota sedang minum pada saat itu.The band soon met their first manager, Allan Coffman, "the thirty-eight-year-old brother-in-law of Mick's driver friend Stick". [ 8 ] The band's first release was the single "Stick to Your Guns/Toast of the Town", which was released on their own record label, Leathür Records , which had a pressing & distribution deal with Greenworld Distribution in Torrance, California . Band ini segera bertemu manajer pertama mereka, Allan Coffman, "the-delapan tahun kakak tiga-dalam-hukum Mick teman driver Stick". [8] pertama rilis Band adalah tunggal "Stick untuk Guns Anda / Toast dari Kota ", yang dirilis pada label rekaman mereka sendiri, Leathür Records , yang memiliki & distribusi menekan kesepakatan dengan Distribusi Greenworld di Torrance, California . In November 1981, their debut album Too Fast for Love was self-produced and released on Leathür, selling 20,000 copies. Pada bulan November 1981, debut album mereka Terlalu Cepat untuk Cinta itu sendiri diproduksi dan dirilis pada Leathür, menjual 20.000 eksemplar. Coffman's assistant Eric Greif set up a tour of Canada , [ 9 ] while Coffman and Greif used Mötley Crüe's success in the Los Angeles club scene to negotiate with several record labels, eventually signing a recording contract with Elektra Records in late spring 1982. asisten Coffman Eric Duka mengatur suatu tour dari Kanada , [9] sedangkan Coffman dan Duka digunakan Mötley Crüe sukses di kancah klub Los Angeles untuk bernegosiasi dengan beberapa label rekaman, akhirnya menandatangani kontrak rekaman dengan Elektra Records di akhir musim semi 1982. At Elektra's insistence, the debut album was then re-mixed by producer Roy Thomas Baker and re-released on August 20, 1982, two months after its Canadian Warner Music Group release using the original Leathür mixes, to coincide with the tour. Di's desakan Elektra, album debut kemudian kembali dicampur dengan produser Roy Thomas Baker dan re-dirilis pada tanggal 20 Agustus 1982, dua bulan setelah Kanada perusahaan Grup Warner Musik rilis menggunakan Leathür asli Mixes, bertepatan dengan tur.
During the "Crüesing Through Canada Tour '82," there were several widely-publicized incidents. Selama "Crüesing Melalui Kanada Tour '82," ada insiden yang dipublikasikan secara luas beberapa. First, the band was arrested and then released at Edmonton International Airport for wearing their spiked stage wardrobe (considered "dangerous weapons") through Customs and for Neil arriving with a small carry-on filled with porn magazines (considered "indecent material"); both were staged PR stunts. Pertama, band ini ditangkap dan kemudian dibebaskan di Bandar Udara Internasional Edmonton untuk mengenakan pakaian panggung berduri mereka (dianggap "senjata berbahaya") melalui Bea dan untuk Neil tiba dengan kecil carry-on penuh dengan majalah porno (dianggap "material tidak senonoh"); keduanya bertahap PR stunts. Customs eventually had the confiscated items destroyed. Bea Cukai akhirnya memiliki item disita hancur. Second, while playing Scandals Disco in Edmonton , a spurious "bomb threat" against the band made the front page of the Edmonton Journal [ 10 ] (June 9, 1982); assistant band manager Greif and Lee were interviewed. Kedua, sambil bermain Scandals Disco di Edmonton , sebuah "bom palsu" ancaman terhadap band ini membuat halaman depan Journal Edmonton [10] (9 Juni 1982); asisten manajer band Duka dan Lee diwawancarai. This too ended up being a staged PR stunt perpetrated by Greif. Hal ini juga akhirnya menjadi PR dipentaskan akrobat dilakukan oleh Duka. Lastly, Lee threw a television set from the upper story window of the Sheraton Caravan Hotel. Terakhir, Lee melemparkan televisi dari jendela cerita atas dari Caravan Hotel Sheraton. Canadian rock magazine Music Express noted that the band were "banned for life" from the city. majalah rock Kanada Musik Express mencatat bahwa band ini adalah "dilarang untuk hidup" dari kota. Despite the tour ending prematurely in financial disaster, it was the basis for the band's first international press. [ 11 ] Meskipun tur berakhir sebelum waktunya dalam bencana keuangan, itu adalah dasar bagi pers internasional pertama band itu. [11]
In 1983, the band changed management from Coffman to Doug Thaler and Doc McGhee . Pada tahun 1983, band ini berubah manajemen dari Coffman ke Doug Thaler dan Doc McGhee . McGhee is best known for managing Bon Jovi and later Kiss (starting with their reunion tour in 1996). McGhee terkenal untuk mengelola Bon Jovi dan kemudian Kiss (dimulai dengan tur reuni mereka pada tahun 1996). Greif subsequently sued all parties in a Los Angeles Superior Court action that dragged on for several years, and coincidentally later re-surfaced as manager of Sixx's former band, London . Duka kemudian menggugat semua pihak dalam Superior Los Angeles Pengadilan tindakan yang berlangsung selama beberapa tahun, dan kebetulan kemudian kembali muncul sebagai manajer mantan band Sixx, London . Coffman himself was sued by several investors to whom he had sold "stock in the band", including Michigan -based Bill Larson. Coffman sendiri digugat oleh beberapa investor kepada siapa ia telah menjual "saham di band", termasuk Michigan Bill Larson berbasis. Coffman eventually declared bankruptcy, as he had mortgaged his home at least three times to cover band expenses. Coffman akhirnya dinyatakan pailit, karena ia telah menggadaikan rumahnya setidaknya tiga kali untuk menutupi biaya band.
[ edit ] Rise to international fame: 1984–1991 [ sunting ] Naik ke ketenaran internasional: 1984-1991
After playing the US Festival , and with the aid of the new medium of MTV, the band found rapid success in the United States. Setelah bermain Festival AS , dan dengan bantuan media baru MTV, band ini menemukan sukses cepat di Amerika Serikat. The band members were as well known for their backstage groupie antics, outrageous clothing, extreme high-heeled boots, heavily applied make-up , and seemingly endless abuse of alcohol and drugs as for their recordings. Para anggota band juga dikenal karena mereka backstage groupie kejenakaan, pakaian keterlaluan, sepatu bertumit tinggi yang ekstrim, berat diterapkan make-up dan tampaknya tak berujung penyalahgunaan, alkohol dan obat-obatan seperti untuk rekaman mereka. Their mixture of heavy metal and glam rock stylings produced several best-selling albums during the 1980s, including Shout at the Devil (1983), Theatre of Pain (1985), and Girls, Girls, Girls (1987), which showcased their love of motorcycles, whiskey and strip clubs , and which told tales of substance abuse , sexual escapades, and general decadence. mereka campuran logam berat dan glam rock stylings memproduksi album terlaris selama beberapa tahun 1980-an, termasuk Shout di Iblis (1983), Teater of Pain (1985), dan Girls, Girls, Girls (1987), yang memamerkan cinta mereka sepeda motor, wiski dan klub strip , dan yang menceritakan kisah penyalahgunaan zat , petualangan seksual, dan dekadensi umum.The band members have also had their share of scrapes with the law and life. Para anggota band juga memiliki bagian mereka dari goresan dengan hukum dan kehidupan. In 1984, Neil was driving home from a liquor store when he was in a head-on collision; his passenger, Hanoi Rocks drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley , was killed. Pada tahun 1984, Neil sedang dalam perjalanan pulang dari toko minuman keras ketika ia berada di tabrakan, penumpangnya, Hanoi Rocks drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley , dibunuh. Neil, charged with a DUI and vehicular manslaughter , was sentenced to 30 days in jail (though he only served 18 days). Neil, diisi dengan DUI dan pembunuhan kendaraan , dijatuhi hukuman 30 hari di penjara (walaupun ia hanya menjabat 18 hari). The band would later release two box sets entitled " Music to Crash Your Car to ". Band kemudian merilis dua box set berjudul " Musik untuk Crash Car Anda untuk ".
On December 23, 1987, Sixx suffered a near-fatal heroin overdose. Pada tanggal 23 Desember 1987, Sixx mengalami overdosis heroin hampir fatal. He was declared legally dead on the way to the hospital, but the medic, who was a Crüe fan, revived Sixx by giving him two shots of adrenaline to the heart, bringing him back to life. Ia dinyatakan secara sah meninggal dalam perjalanan ke rumah sakit, tetapi dokter, yang adalah penggemar Crüe, dihidupkan kembali Sixx dengan memberinya dua tembakan dari adrenalin ke jantung, membawa dia kembali ke kehidupan. His two minutes in death were the inspiration for the song " Kickstart My Heart ", which peaked at #16 on the Mainstream US chart, and which was featured on the 1989 album Dr. dua menit dalam kematian-Nya adalah inspirasi untuk lagu " Kickstart My Heart ", yang memuncak pada # 16 di chart US Mainstream, dan yang adalah fitur pada album 1989 Dr Feelgood . Perasaan baik . From 1986 to 1987, Sixx kept a daily diary of his heroin addiction and eventually entered rehab in January 1988. Dari tahun 1986 sampai 1987, Sixx menyimpan buku harian harian kecanduan heroin dan akhirnya masuk rehabilitasi pada bulan Januari 1988. In 2006, Sixx published his diaries as a best selling novel: The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star , and in 2007 Sixx's side project band Sixx:AM released The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack as a musical parallel to the novel. Pada tahun 2006, Sixx menerbitkan buku harian sebagai novel penjualan terbaik: The Diaries Heroin: A Tahun dalam Kehidupan Bintang Rock Shattered , dan pada tahun 2007 proyek band Sixx sisi Sixx: AM dirilis The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack sebagai sejajar musik untuk novel .
Their decadent lifestyles almost shattered the band, until managers Thaler and McGhee pulled an intervention, and refused to allow the band to tour in Europe, fearing that "some [of them] would come back in bodybags". gaya hidup dekaden mereka hampir hancur band, sampai manajer Thaler dan McGhee menarik intervensi, dan menolak untuk mengizinkan band untuk tur di Eropa, takut bahwa "sebagian [dari mereka] akan datang kembali bodybags". Shortly after, all the band members except for Mars underwent drug rehabilitation; Mars cleaned up on his own. Tak lama setelah itu, semua anggota band kecuali untuk Mars menjalani rehabilitasi narkoba; Mars dibersihkan sendiri.
After finding sobriety in 1989, Mötley Crüe reached its peak popularity with the release of their fifth album, the Bob Rock produced Dr. Setelah menemukan ketenangan pada tahun 1989, Mötley Crüe mencapai puncaknya popularitas dengan merilis album kelima mereka, Bob Rock diproduksi Dr Feelgood , on September 1, 1989. Perasaan baik , pada tanggal 1 September 1989. On October 14 of that year, it became a No. 1 album and stayed on the charts for 109 weeks after its release. Pada tanggal 14 Oktober tahun itu, itu menjadi No 1 album dan tinggal di tangga lagu selama 109 minggu setelah rilis. The band members each stated in interviews that, due in no small part to their collective push for sobriety, Dr. anggota band yang masing-masing menyatakan dalam wawancara itu, disebabkan oleh tidak ada bagian kecil untuk mendorong kolektif mereka untuk ketenangan hati, Dr Feelgood was their most solid album musically to that point, and indeed, it was their best selling album to date. [ citation needed ] The title track and "Kickstart My Heart" were both nominated for Grammys in the Best Hard Rock Category. [ 12 ] The band did find some success at the American Music Awards, as Dr. Perasaan baik paling padat album mereka musik saat itu, dan memang, itu adalah menjual album terbaik mereka hingga saat ini. [ rujukan? ] Judul lagu dan "Kickstart My Heart" sama-sama dinominasikan untuk Grammy di Hard Rock Terbaik Kategori. [12 ] Band menemukan beberapa kesuksesan di American Music Awards, sebagai Dr Feelgood was nominated twice for Favorite Hard Rock/Metal Award, losing once to Guns N' Roses ' Appetite for Destruction , but winning the following year, beating out Aerosmith 's Pump and Poison 's Flesh And Blood . Perasaan baik dinominasikan dua kali untuk Favorite Hard Rock / Metal Award, kalah sekali untuk Guns N 'Roses ' Appetite for Destruction , tetapi memenangkan tahun berikutnya, mengalahkan Aerosmith 's Pompa dan Racun 's Daging Dan Darah . Mötley Crüe was also nominated twice for Favorite Hard Rock/Metal Artist. [ 13 ] Mötley Crüe juga dinominasikan dua kali untuk Favorite Hard Rock / Metal Artist. [13]
In 1989, Doc McGhee was fired after breaking several promises that he made to the band in relation to the Moscow Music Peace Festival including giving his other band, Bon Jovi , advantages with slot placement. Pada tahun 1989, Doc McGhee dipecat setelah melanggar beberapa janji bahwa ia dibuat untuk band dalam hubungannya dengan Moskow Music Peace Festival termasuk memberikan band lain, Bon Jovi , keuntungan dengan penempatan slot. Doug Thaler then soldiered on as sole band manager. Doug Thaler kemudian soldiered pada sebagai manajer band tunggal.
On October 14, 1991, the band's first compilation album, Decade of Decadence , was released. Pada tanggal 14 Oktober 1991, pertama kompilasi band album, Dekade dekadensi , dirilis. It peaked at #2 on the Billboard 200 album chart. Hal ini memuncak di # 2 di Billboard 200 album chart. It was reportedly designed as "just something for the fans" while the band worked on the next "all new" album. Hal ini dilaporkan dirancang sebagai "hanya sesuatu untuk para penggemar" sementara bekerja pada band berikutnya "semua baru" album.
[ edit ] Years of turmoil: 1992–2003 [ sunting ] Tahun kekacauan: 1992-2003
After Decade of Decadence was released, Neil left the band in February 1992, at a time when other bands in the '80s glam metal scene ( Ratt , Stryper , White Lion , Winger , Europe & Britny Fox ) also broke up because of the rise in popularity of Grunge rock . Setelah Dekade dekadensi dirilis, Neil meninggalkan band ini pada bulan Februari 1992, pada saat band lain di era 80-an glam metal scene ( Ratt , Stryper , White Lion , Winger , Eropa & Britny Fox ) juga putus karena kenaikan popularitas rock Grunge . A controversy exists to this day over whether Neil was fired or quit. Sebuah kontroversi ada untuk hari ini mengenai apakah Neil dipecat atau berhenti. Sixx has long maintained that Neil quit the band. Sixx telah lama menyatakan bahwa Neil keluar dari band. However, Neil disputes this and insists that he was fired. Namun, Neil perselisihan ini dan menegaskan bahwa ia dipecat. Neil was replaced by John Corabi (formerly of Angora and The Scream ). Neil digantikan oleh John Corabi (sebelumnya dari anggora dan The Scream ). Mötley Crüe's commercial success waned throughout the 1990s, although their self-titled March 1994 release made the Billboard top ten (#7). komersial Mötley Crüe keberhasilan berkurang sepanjang 1990-an, meskipun mereka self-titled Maret 1994 rilis dibuat sepuluh puncak Billboard (# 7). Thaler would manage the band alone until 1994, at which time the band did a mass-firing when their album, Mötley Crüe , failed to meet commercial expectations. Thaler akan mengelola band saja sampai tahun 1994, pada saat band melakukan penembakan massal ketika album mereka, Mötley Crüe , gagal memenuhi harapan komersial.The band reunited with Neil in 1997, after their current manager, Allen Kovac, and Neil's manager, Bert Stein, set up a meeting between Neil, Lee, and Sixx. Band ini kembali dengan Neil pada tahun 1997, setelah manajer mereka saat ini, Allen Kovac, dan manajer Neil, Bert Stein, mengatur pertemuan antara Neil, Lee, dan Sixx. Agreeing to "leave their egos at the door," the band released Generation Swine . Setuju untuk "meninggalkan ego mereka di pintu," band ini merilis Generasi babi . Although it debuted at #4, and in spite of a live performance at the American Music Awards , the album was a commercial failure, due in part to the band's label's lack of support. [ citation needed ] The band soon left Elektra and created their own label, Mötley Records . Meskipun debut di # 4, dan meski secara live di American Music Awards , album ini kegagalan komersial, karena sebagian's label band kekurangan dukungan. [ rujukan? ] The band segera meninggalkan Elektra dan menciptakan mereka label sendiri, Mötley Records .
In 1998, Mötley Crüe's contractual ties with Elektra Records had expired, putting the band in total control of their future. Pada tahun 1998, ikatan kontrak Mötley Crüe dengan Elektra Records telah berakhir, menempatkan band di kontrol total masa depan mereka. This included the ownership of the masters of all of their albums. Ini termasuk kepemilikan master semua album mereka. In announcing the end of their relationship with Elektra Records, the band became one of the few groups in history to own and control their publishing and catalogue of recorded masters. Dalam mengumumkan akhir dari hubungan mereka dengan Elektra Records, band ini menjadi salah satu dari beberapa kelompok dalam sejarah untuk memiliki dan mengontrol penerbitan mereka dan katalog master dicatat. In 1999, the band re-released all their albums, dubbed as Crücial Crüe . Pada tahun 1999, band kembali merilis semua album mereka, dikenal sebagai Crucial Crüe. The limited-edition digital re-masters included demos, live, instrumental, and previously unreleased tracks. Edisi terbatas digital re-master termasuk demo, hidup, instrumental, dan trek belum pernah dirilis sebelumnya.
In 1999, Lee put his role in the band on hold to pursue a solo career due to increasing tension with frontman Neil. Pada tahun 1999, Lee meletakkan perannya dalam band ditahan untuk mengejar karir solo akibat ketegangan meningkat dengan frontman Neil. He was replaced by Randy Castillo , who drummed on several Ozzy Osbourne albums. Ia digantikan oleh Randy Castillo , yang deras pada beberapa Ozzy Osbourne album. Randy died of cancer on March 26, 2002. Randy meninggal karena kanker pada tanggal 26 Maret 2002. No replacement had been named, which sent the band into a hiatus following a 2000 tour in support of their studio release, New Tattoo . New Tattoo charted at #41 and sold fewer than 200,000 copies. penggantian Tidak ada yang diberi nama, yang dikirim band ini menjadi vakum setelah tur 2000 untuk mendukung rilis studio mereka, New Tattoo memetakan. New Tattoo di # 41 dan dijual kurang dari 200.000 eksemplar. Former Hole drummer Samantha Maloney filled in on the tour to promote the album. Mantan Hole drummer Samantha Maloney diisi pada tur untuk mempromosikan album. The Salt Lake City performance of the tour is featured on the DVD Lewd, Crüed & Tattooed . The Salt Lake City kinerja tur adalah fitur pada DVD Lewd, Crüed & Tattooed.
Within the following six years, Sixx played in the bands 58 and Brides of Destruction , while Lee formed Methods of Mayhem and performed as a solo artist. Dalam tahun-tahun berikutnya enam, Sixx dimainkan di band 58 dan Brides of Destruction , sementara Lee terbentuk Metode Mayhem dan dilakukan sebagai artis solo. Neil continued touring on an annual basis as a solo artist, singing mostly Mötley Crüe songs. Neil lanjutan tur secara tahunan sebagai artis solo, menyanyikan lagu Mötley Crüe kebanyakan. Mars, who suffers from a rare hereditary form of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis , [ citation needed ] went into seclusion in 2001. Mars, yang menderita suatu bentuk yang jarang turun temurun arthritis disebut ankylosing spondilitis , [ rujukan? ] pergi ke pengasingan pada tahun 2001.
A 2001 autobiography entitled The Dirt packaged the band as "the world's most notorious rock band". Sebuah otobiografi 2001 berjudul The Dirt dikemas band sebagai "band rock terkenal paling dunia". The book made the top ten on The New York Times Best Seller list and spent ten weeks there. Buku ini membuat sepuluh pada York Times Best Seller Baru daftar dan menghabiskan sepuluh minggu di sana.
[ edit ] Reunion and renewed success: 2004–present [ sunting ] Reuni dan keberhasilan diperbaharui: 2004-sekarang
Nikki Sixx and Mick Mars performing onstage with Mötley Crüe, on June 14, 2005 in Glasgow, Scotland Nikki Sixx dan Mick Mars tampil di atas panggung dengan Mötley Crüe, pada tanggal 14 Juni 2005 di Glasgow, Skotlandia
Photo: Alec MacKellaig Foto: MacKellaig Alec
Photo: Alec MacKellaig Foto: MacKellaig Alec
In 2005, Mötley Crüe was involved in an animation-comedy spoof Disaster! , [ 14 ] which was written by Paul Benson and Matt Sullivan and which was used as the introduction film to concerts on their Carnival of Sins tour. Pada tahun 2005, Mötley Crüe terlibat dalam komedi spoof Bencana-animasi!, [14] yang ditulis oleh Paulus Benson dan Matt Sullivan dan yang digunakan sebagai pengantar film konser pada mereka Karnaval wisata Dosa.
In 2006, Mötley Crüe went on the Route of All Evil Tour , co-headlining with Aerosmith . Pada tahun 2006, Mötley Crüe pergi pada Semua Rute Tour Evil , co-headlining dengan Aerosmith . This was another well attended tour following the Carnival of Sins tour of 2005. Ini adalah tur lain dihadiri mengikuti tur Karnaval Dosa tahun 2005. In June 2007, Mötley Crüe set out on a small European tour. Pada bulan Juni 2007, Mötley Crüe ditetapkan pada tur Eropa kecil. A lawsuit was filed by Neil, Mars and Sixx against Carl Stubner, Lee's manager. Sebuah gugatan diajukan oleh Neil, Mars dan Sixx terhadap Carl Stubner, manajer Lee. The three sued him for contracting for Lee to appear on two unsuccessful reality shows the band claim hurt its image. [ citation needed ] It was reported on that the lawsuit has been settled. Tiga menggugat dia untuk tertular untuk Lee untuk tampil pada dua kenyataan gagal menunjukkan band klaim merusak citra perusahaan. [ rujukan? ] Dilaporkan pada bahwa gugatan telah diselesaikan.
On June 11, 2008, the band and manager Burt Stein filed suit against each other. Pada tanggal 11 Juni 2008, band dan manajer Burt Stein mengajukan gugatan terhadap satu sama lain. Stein was Vince Neil's personal manager and also, according to the band and rival manager Allen Kovac, served as the band's manager at one time. Stein manajer pribadi Vince Neil dan juga, menurut band dan manajer saingan Allen Kovac, menjabat sebagai manajer band di satu waktu. The band and Kovac sued in Los Angeles County Superior Court, claiming Stein was not entitled to a cut of Mötley Crüe's earnings. Band dan Kovac digugat di Los Angeles County Pengadilan Tinggi, mengklaim Stein tidak berhak dipotong dari laba Mötley Crüe's. Stein sued the same day in Nashville's federal court, saying he was entitled to 1.875 percent of what the band makes. [ 15 ] Other litigation between the parties also ensued in Nevada. Stein menggugat hari yang sama di pengadilan federal Nashville, mengatakan bahwa ia berhak 1,875 persen dari apa band yang membuat. [15] litigasi lain antara pihak juga pun terjadi di Nevada. In July 2009, lawyers for both sides announced that the disputes had been "amicably resolved" through a "global settlement". [ 16 ] Pada bulan Juli 2009, pengacara bagi kedua belah pihak mengumumkan bahwa sengketa telah "diselesaikan secara damai" melalui "penyelesaian global". [16]
Mötley Crüe's ninth studio album, titled Saints of Los Angeles , was released in Japan on June 17, 2008 and in America on June 24, 2008. Teman-sembilan studio Mötley Crüe album, berjudul Saints of Los Angeles , dirilis di Jepang pada tanggal 17 Juni 2008 dan di Amerika pada tanggal 24 Juni 2008. The album was originally titled The Dirt , as it was loosely based on the band's autobiography of the same name, but the title was later changed. Saints of Los Angeles features the band's original lineup. Album ini awalnya berjudul The Dirt, seperti yang longgar didasarkan pada band autobiografi dari nama yang sama, tapi judul itu kemudian diubah. Saints of Los Angeles fitur's asli lineup band. In the US, the album was released by Eleven Seven Music . Di AS, album ini dirilis oleh Eleven Seven Music . Eleven Seven also took over US distribution of their back catalog. Sebelas Tujuh juga mengambil alih distribusi AS katalog punggung mereka.
Mötley Crüe had announced that the movie The Dirt , based on the book written by Mötley Crüe and Neil Strauss , might be released in 2009. Mötley Crüe telah mengumumkan bahwa film The Dirt, berdasarkan buku yang ditulis oleh Mötley Crüe dan Neil Strauss , mungkin akan dirilis pada tahun 2009. However, as of September 2009, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) lists 2011 as the probable release date. Namun, pada September 2009, Internet Movie Database (IMDb) daftar 2011 sebagai tanggal rilis kemungkinan. This is still subject to change, particularly because the "status" of the movie was listed as "unknown" in April 2009 (the date of IMDb's last update to "The Dirt"). [ 17 ] Ini masih dapat berubah, terutama karena "status" dari film ini terdaftar sebagai "tidak dikenal" pada bulan April 2009 (tanggal terakhir update's IMDb untuk "The Dirt"). [17]
iTunes picked " Saints of Los Angeles " in their "Best of 2008" in the Rock category as the number one song; the song was also nominated for a Grammy Award in the "Best Hard Rock Performance" category. iTunes mengambil " Saints of Los Angeles "dalam" Best of 2008 "dalam kategori Rock sebagai lagu nomor satu, lagu itu juga dinominasikan untuk Grammy Award dalam" Best Hard Rock Performance "kategori. The song was released in the music game series Rock Band as downloadable content the day the single was released. Lagu ini dirilis dalam permainan musik seri Rock Band sebagai konten download hari single dirilis. Additionally, the entire Dr. Selain itu, seluruh Dr Feelgood album was released as downloadable content in Rock Band as well, excluding "TnT (Terror 'n Tinseltown)". Perasaan baik album ini dirilis sebagai konten download di Rock Band juga, tidak termasuk "TNT (Teror 'n Tinseltown)".
The band played the Download Festival in Donington Park (June 12–14, 2009), playing on the second stage on Friday night. Band ini memainkan Festival Download di Donington Park (Juni 12-14, 2009), bermain di tahap kedua pada hari Jumat malam.
The band made a guest appearance in the season finale of " Bones " on May 14, 2009 entitled "The End In The Beginning", performing the classic song " Dr. Feelgood ". Band ini membuat penampilan tamu di akhir musim " Bones "pada 14 Mei 2009 berjudul" The End Pada Awal ", melakukan lagu klasik" Dr perasaan baik ".
Mötley Crüe headlined the Crüe Fest 2 festival, which ran from July to September 2009. Mötley Crüe berjudul Crüe Fest 2 festival, yang berlangsung dari bulan Juli sampai September 2009. Supporting them were Godsmack , Theory of a Deadman , Drowning Pool , and Charm City Devils . Mendukung mereka yang Godsmack , Teori dari deadman , Drowning Pool , dan Charm City Devils . In addition to performing a set featuring material from Saints of Los Angeles , the band also celebrated the 20th anniversary of Dr. Selain melakukan satu set yang menampilkan materi dari Saints Los Angeles , band ini juga merayakan ulang tahun ke-20 Dr Feelgood by performing the album in its entirety on each night of the tour and re-releasing the album as a special 20th anniversary deluxe addition. [ 18 ] Godsmack 's latest album The Oracle included a song called Cryin' Like a Bitch . Perasaan baik dengan melakukan album secara keseluruhan pada setiap malam dari tur dan kembali merilis album sebagai ulang tahun ke-20 deluxe tambahan khusus. [18] Dewa 'album terbaru Oracle termasuk lagu berjudul Cryin 'Seperti Bitch . Their frontman Sully Erna stated that the song is about Nikki Sixx . frontman mereka Sully Erna menyatakan bahwa lagu ini adalah tentang Nikki Sixx .
In 2010, Tommy Lee announced that there would not be a Crüe Fest 3 in the summer of 2010, but instead the band would work on new material and is expected to tour Crüe Fest 3 in the summer of 2011 [ citation needed ] . Pada tahun 2010, Tommy Lee mengumumkan bahwa tidak akan ada sebuah Fest Crüe 3 pada musim panas 2010, tetapi band ini akan bekerja pada materi baru dan diharapkan untuk tur Crüe Fest 3 pada musim panas tahun 2011 [ rujukan? ]. It was also announced that Mötley Crüe would be headlining Ozzfest in 2010, along with Ozzy Osbourne and Rob Halford . Hal ini juga mengumumkan bahwa Mötley Crüe akan headlining Ozzfest tahun 2010, bersama dengan Ozzy Osbourne dan Rob Halford .
[ edit ] Legacy [ sunting ] Warisan
Acts such as Ten Stories Fallen, Papa Roach , Korn , Buckcherry , Tommy Krash , Adelitas Way , Linkin Park , Marilyn Manson , Nine Inch Nails , Moby , Murderdolls , Backyard Babies , Private Line , Slipknot , The Living End , Belladonna , Mana , Escape The Fate , and Hardcore Superstar , have all cited Mötley Crüe as an influence in recent years, most notably for Too Fast for Love and Shout at the Devil . Disturbed drummer Mike Wengren has also cited Tommy Lee as an influence to his drumming. Tindakan seperti Sepuluh Cerita Fallen, Papa Roach , Korn , Buckcherry , Tommy Krash , Adelitas Way , Linkin Park , Marilyn Manson , Nine Inch Nails , Moby , Murderdolls , Bayi Backyard , Private Line , Slipknot , The Living End , Belladonna , Mana , Escape The Fate , dan Hardcore Superstar , memiliki semua dikutip Mötley Crüe sebagai pengaruh dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, terutama untuk Terlalu cepat untuk Cinta dan Shout pada Iblis . Terganggu drummer Mike Wengren juga dikutip Tommy Lee sebagai pengaruh terhadap drum nya. Mötley Crüe's early look in music videos has also been parodied by a variety of artists such as Bowling for Soup , Beck , Red Hot Chili Peppers , New Order , and the Backstreet Boys . [ citation needed ] Masih pagi Mötley Crüe terlihat di video musik juga telah diparodikan oleh berbagai artis seperti Bowling for Soup , Beck , Red Hot Chili Peppers , Orde Baru , dan Backstreet Boys . [ rujukan? ]The band has been featured on a number of VH1 countdown shows, " Dr. Feelgood " was ranked the #7 Greatest Air Guitar Song, "Live Wire" was ranked the #17 Greatest Metal Song Of All Time, and " Home Sweet Home " was ranked the #12 Greatest Power Ballad Of All Time. [ 19 ] Mötley Crüe was featured several times on VH1's 100 Most Metal Moments, the highest spot being #3. Band ini telah ditampilkan pada sejumlah VH1 menunjukkan hitung mundur, " Dr perasaan baik "menduduki peringkat # 7 Terbesar Air Guitar Song," Live Wire "menduduki peringkat ke 17 Greatest Metal Song # Of All Time, dan" Home Sweet Home " menduduki peringkat ke # 12 Greatest Power Ballad Of All Time. [19] Mötley Crüe adalah fitur beberapa kali di VH1's 100 Moments Kebanyakan Logam, tempat tertinggi yang # 3. VH1 included the Tommy Lee sex tapes, The Dirt , and Ozzy Osbourne 's and Nikki Sixx's pee. VH1 termasuk kaset seks Tommy Lee, The Dirt, dan Ozzy Osbourne s 'dan Nikki Sixx's kencing. All featured in the countdown. Semua ditampilkan dalam hitungan mundur. Mötley Crüe has also been one of the many bands featured on VH1's Behind the Music . Mötley Crüe juga telah salah satu dari banyak band tampil di VH1's Behind Musik . The band was also ranked #29 on VH1's list of the most popular hard rock bands. Band ini juga peringkat # 29 dalam daftar VH1 tentang band hard rock paling populer. Mötley Crüe was also ranked tenth on MTV's list "Top 10 Heavy Metal Bands of All-Time". [ 20 ] Mötley Crüe juga peringkat kesepuluh di MTV's list "Top 10 Heavy Metal Bands of All-Time ". [20]
Building on the popularity and the desire of fans to see The Crüe between World tours, a wide variety of tribute acts who celebrate and pay homage to the different eras and albums over the years has developed. Red Hot , a tribute from LA, captures the look and feel of the Shout at the Devil era with black and red leather pants. Theatre of Pain captures the spandex and lipstick attitude of the album of the same name. Membangun popularitas dan keinginan penggemar untuk melihat The Crüe antara wisata Dunia, berbagai tindakan upeti yang merayakan dan memberi penghormatan kepada era yang berbeda dan album selama bertahun-tahun telah mengembangkan. Red Hot , sebuah penghargaan dari LA, menangkap tampilan dan nuansa dari Iblis Shout di era dengan celana kulit merah dan hitam. Theatre of Pain menangkap dan lipstik sikap spandex dari album dengan nama yang sama. And Carnival of Sins Live rounds out the tributes with a rendition of the current Crüe image that brings to mind the crüdeness of the Mötley moniker. Dan Karnaval Dosa Live putaran keluar upeti dengan rendition dari gambar Crüe saat ini yang membawa ke pikiran kekasaran dari moniker Mötley. The band even has an all-female version from New York City, Girls Girls Girls, who cover all eras of the band's music without emulating the look of any specific Crüe era. Band ini bahkan memiliki versi semua-wanita dari New York City, Girls Girls Girls, yang mencakup seluruh era musik band tanpa meniru tampilan dari setiap era Crüe tertentu.
[ edit ] Band members [ sunting ] Anggota band
[ edit ] Discography [ sunting ] Diskografi
Main article: Mötley Crüe discography Artikel utama: Diskografi Mötley Crüe
- Too Fast for Love (1981) Terlalu Cepat untuk Cinta (1981)
- Shout at the Devil (1983) Berteriak di Iblis (1983)
- Theatre of Pain (1985) Teater of Pain (1985)
- Girls, Girls, Girls (1987) Girls, Girls, Girls (1987)
- Dr. Feelgood (1989) Dr perasaan baik (1989)
- Mötley Crüe (1994) Mötley Crüe (1994)
- Generation Swine (1997) Generasi babi (1997)
- New Tattoo (2000) New Tattoo (2000)
- Saints of Los Angeles (2008) Orang-orang Suci dari Los Angeles (2008)
[ edit ] Tours [ sunting ] Wisata
- Anywhere, USA – Northern California Tour (1981) Anywhere, Amerika Serikat - California Utara Tour (1981)
- Too Fast For Love Tour (1981–1982) Terlalu Cepat Untuk Tour Cinta (1981-1982)
- Crüesing Through Canada (1982) Crüesing Melalui Kanada (1982)
- Mötley Crüe World Tour (1983–1984) Mötley World Tour Crüe (1983-1984)
- Welcome To The Theatre Of Pain Tour (1985–1986) Selamat Datang di Wisata Theatre Of Pain (1985-1986)
- Girls, Girls, Girls World Tour 87/88 (1987) Girls, Girls, Girls World 87/88 Tour (1987)
- Moscow Music Peace Festival (1989) Moskow Musik Peace Festival (1989)
- Dr. Feelgood World Tour '89–'90 (1989–1990) Dr perasaan baik World Tour '89-'90 (1989-1990)
- Monsters Of Rock Tour 1991 (1991) Monster Of Rock Tour 1991 (1991)
- Anywhere There's Electricity Tour Of The Americas 1994 (1994) Anywhere Ada Listrik Tour Of The 1994 Amerika (1994)
- Anywhere There's Electricity Japan Tour (1994) Anywhere Ada Listrik Jepang Tour (1994)
- Live Swine Listening Party (1997) Live babi Mendengarkan Partai (1997)
- Mötley Crüe vs. The Earth Tour (1997) Mötley Crüe vs Tour Bumi (1997)
- Greatest Hits Tour (1998–1999) Greatest Hits Tour (1998-1999)
- Maximum Rock Tour (with The Scorpions – 1999) Maksimum Rock Tour (dengan The Scorpions - 1999)
- Welcome To The Freekshow Tour (1999) Selamat Datang di Tour Freekshow (1999)
- Maximum Rock 2000 Tour (with Megadeth – 2000) Maksimum Rock Tour 2000 (dengan Megadeth - 2000)
- New Tattoo Japan Tour 2000 (2000) New Tattoo Jepang Tour 2000 (2000)
- Red, White & Crüe Tour 2005...Better Live Than Dead (2005) Merah, Putih Tour & Crüe 2005 ... Better Live Than Dead (2005)
- Carnival Of Sins Tour (2005–2006) Karnaval Dari Tour Dosa (2005-2006)
- Route of All Evil Tour (with Aerosmith – 2006) Semua Rute Tour Evil (dengan Aerosmith - 2006)
- Mötley Crüe Tour 2007 (2007) Mötley Crüe Tour 2007 (2007)
- Crüe Fest (with Buckcherry , Papa Roach , Sixx:AM and Trapt – 2008) Crüe Fest (dengan Buckcherry , Papa Roach , Sixx: AM dan Trapt - 2008)
- Saints Of Los Angeles World Tour (2008) Orang-orang Suci Dari Tour Los Angeles Dunia (2008)
- Saints Of Los Angeles Tour (2009) Orang-orang Suci Dari Los Angeles Tour (2009)
- Saints of Los Angeles European Tour (2009) Orang-orang Suci Tour Los Angeles Eropa (2009)
- Crüe Fest 2 (with Godsmack , Theory Of A Deadman , Drowning Pool and Charm City Devils – 2009) Crüe Fest 2 (dengan Godsmack , Theory Of A deadman , Drowning Pool dan Charm City Devils - 2009)
- The Dead of Winter Canadian Tour (2010) Mati Winter Tour Kanada (2010)
- Ozzfest 2010 Tour (2010) Ozzfest 2010 Tour (2010)
- Sonisphere Festival (2010) Sonisphere Festival (2010)
- Crüe Fest 3 (2011) Crüe Fest 3 (2011)
[ edit ] Awards and nominations [ sunting ] Penghargaan dan nominasi
Main article: List of Mötley Crüe awards and nominations Artikel utama: Daftar Mötley Crüe penghargaan dan nominasi
[ edit ] References [ sunting ] Referensi
- ^ a b "Motley Crue to Commemorate Vinyl Reissue With Limited Edition Leather Box Set, "Journals of the Damned"" . . ^ a b "Motley Crue untuk memperingati Vinyl Menerbitkan ulang Dengan Kulit Limited Edition Box Set," Jurnal of the Damned "" . .
- ^ Motley Crue: It's Time to Really Make Rock History! ^ Motley Crue: It's Time ke Sungguh Membuat Sejarah Rock!
- ^ The Dirt (2009) ^ The Dirt (2009)
- ^ "Chronological Crüe" . ^ "Crüe Kronologis" . . . ~ cruekiss/81.htm . Retrieved 2010-10-15 . Diperoleh 2010/10/15.
- ^ "Greg Leon interview" . ^ "Greg Leon wawancara" . Sleaze Roxx. Pekerjaan buruk Roxx. 2007-03-25 . . 2007/03/25. . Retrieved 2010-10-15 . Diperoleh 2010/10/15.
- ^ Strauss, Neil (2007) (in French). Motley Crue: the dirt . ^ Strauss, Neil (2007) (dalam bahasa Perancis). Motley Crue: kotoran . Camion Blanc. Prahoto Blanc. pp. 84–85. ISBN 2910196534 . . hlm 84-85. ISBN 2910196534 . =% 27Dean% 22O% 22 + campuran + Crue & hl = id & ei = vVwPTLv7NYn_4AaTgPmcDA & sa = X & oi = book_result & ct = hasil & resnum = 1 & ved = 0CCcQ6AEwAA # v = onepage & q = O% 27Dean & f = false .
- ^ Rizzi, Cesare (2000) (in Italian). Enciclopedia della musica rock. ^ Rizzi, Cesare (2000) (dalam bahasa Italia). Enciclopedia della musica rock. 3. 3. 1980–1989, Volume 3 . 1980-1989, Volume 3 . Giunti Editore Firenze Italy. Giunti Editore Firenze Italia. p. p. 380. ISBN 880901796X . . 380. ISBN 880901796X . =% 27Dean%% 22O 22 + campuran + Crue & hl = id & ei = vVwPTLv7NYn_4AaTgPmcDA & sa = X & oi = book_result & ct = hasil & resnum = 3 & ved = 0CDAQ6AEwAg # v = onepage & q =% 27Dean%% 22O% 22% 20motley 20crue & f = false .
- ^ "Chronological Crue" . ^ "Crue Kronologis" . . . ~ cruekiss/81.htm . Retrieved 2010-10-15 . Diperoleh 2010/10/15.
- ^ 1982 , Chronological Crue . ^ 1982, Crue Kronologis . Retrieved October 2, 2009. Diakses 2 Oktober 2009.
- ^ "Edmonton Journal Library" . ^ "Edmonton Journal Perpustakaan" . . . . Retrieved 2010-10-15 . Diperoleh 2010/10/15.
- ^ "Eric Greif Interview" . ^ "Wawancara Duka Eric" . Sleaze Roxx. Pekerjaan buruk Roxx. 2007-04-28 . . 2007/04/28. . Retrieved 2010-10-15 . Diperoleh 2010/10/15.
- ^ "Grammy Awards: Best Hard Rock Performance" . ^ "Grammy Awards: Best Hard Rock Performance" . Rock On The Net . . Rock On The Net. . Retrieved 2010-06-09 . Diperoleh 2010/06/09.
- ^ "American Music Awards: Favorite Heavy Metal / Hard Rock Artist" . ^ "American Music Awards: Favorite Heavy Metal / Hard Rock Artist" . Rock On The Net . . Rock On The Net. . Retrieved 2010-06-09 . Diperoleh 2010/06/09.
- ^ Weinberg, Scott (2005-03-09). "Rotten Tomatoes" . ^ Weinberg, Scott (2005/03/09). "Tomat Busuk" . Rotten Tomatoes . . Rotten Tomatoes. . Retrieved 2010-10-15 . Diperoleh 2010/10/15.
- ^ Wood, E. Thomas (2008-06-13). "Crue sued: Manager fires back in Motley feud" . Retrieved on 2008-06-13 . . ^ Wood, E. Thomas 2008-06-13). ( "menggugat Crue: Manager kebakaran kembali Motley perseteruan" . Diakses pada 2008-06-13. / 6/13/crue_sued_manager_fires_back_in_motley_feud .
- ^ Wood, E. Thomas (2009-07-27). "Nashville at law: Rival managers bury the heavy metal hatchet" . Retrieved on 2009-07-27 . . ^ Wood, E. Thomas (2009/07/27). "Nashville di hukum: manajer Rival mengubur kapak logam berat" . Diakses pada 2009/07/27. / 2009/7/27/nashville_at_law_rival_managers_bury_the_heavy_metal_hatchet .
- ^ The Dirt at the Internet Movie Database ^ The Dirt di Internet Movie Database
- ^ "" . ^ "" . 2009-03-16 . . 2009/03/16. . Retrieved 2010-06-09 . Diperoleh 2010/06/09.
- ^ "Vh1's The Greatest: 25 greatest power ballads" . . ^ "VH1 The Greatest: 25 balada kekuatan terbesar" . . Retrieved 2008-12-03 . Diperoleh 2008/12/03.
- ^ " The Greatest Metal Bands Of All Time" . ^ " The Greatest Metal Bands Of All Time" . 2006-03-09 . . 2006/03/09. . Retrieved 2010-06-09 . Diperoleh 2010/06/09.
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